1st Caliph Rashid Abu Bakr Siddiq Biography - Abu Bakr Siddiq

1st Caliph Rashid Abu Bakr Siddiq Biography - Abu Bakr Siddiq:

Abu Bakr Siddiq Abdullah bin Abu Qahafa Temi Qureshi (born 573 AD - died 22 August 634) was the first Khalifa Rashid, a member of the Prophet's preacher, companion and father-in-law and emigrant to Medina when he was a Muslim. Abu Bakr Siddiq was the best of the Prophets among the Ahl al-Sunnah and Jama'at after the Prophets and Prophets, the best of the believers in the Companions, and the Beloved Prophet of Islam after A'ishah Bint Abi Bakr. Usually his title is associated with the title "Abu Bakr", which was given by Prophet Islam on the basis of the confirmation and confirmation of Abu Bakr Siddiq. Abu Bakr Siddique was born in Mecca in 573 AD, two years and six months after the birth of a common man. In ignorance he was counted among the wealthiest of the Quraysh. When the Prophet Islam presented Islam to him, he accepted Islam without any backlash and thus he was the first of the free adult men to accept Islam. After accepting Islam, I spent thirteen years in Mecca, a period of severe hardship and suffering. Later, the Prophet emigrated from Makkah in the company of Islam, as well as Gazah Badar and all other Gazatas who remained with the Prophet. When Prophet Muhammad was arrested in Mirwaiz al-Wufat, Abu Bakr ordered Siddiq to pray in the mosque. The Prophet died on Monday 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal Sunnah 11 AH and on the same day, the Muslims pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr Siddiq. After agreeing to the position of Caliphate, Abu Bakr Siddiq appointed governors, noblemen and judges in the Islamic peninsula, dispatched Lashkar to fight the Arab and tribes denying Islam and some of its duties, even the whole island of Arabia. The Islamic government became submissive. Abu Bakr Siddiq left for Iraq and Syria to conquer Lashkar-e-Taiba. Most of Iraq and most of Syria's territory had been conquered in the Khilafah period. Abu Bakr Siddiq died at the age of thirty-three on Monday 22 Jamadi-ul-Akhri on 13 th and succeeded Umar bin Khattab. 1st Caliph Rashid Abu Bakr Siddiq Biography - Abu Bakr Siddiq


1st Caliph Rashid Abu Bakr Siddiq was born two years six months after the birth of Aafil al-Fail, and fifty-six years before the emigration of Mecca to Mecca. The year is 573 CE You were two years and six months younger than the server. Umm Amnon said to Hadrat 'Ayesha ibn Abi Bakr that the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique were sitting near me mentioning their birth. Are.

Chain lineage Of 1st Caliph Rashid Abu Bakr Siddiq:

1st Caliph Rashid Abu Bakr Siddiq Biography - Abu Bakr SiddiqHere is the lineage from the father. This is the lineage from Abu Qahafah Usman ibn Amr ibn Amr bin Ka'ab ibn Sa'ad ibn Tamim ibn Mar'a ibn Ka'b mother. Umm Lakhir Salmi bin Sakhr bin Amr bin Ka'ab bin Samad bin Tamim bin Marrah bin Ka'b Some people have described this lineage of your mother Salmi bin Sakhr ibn Amr ibn Amr bin ibn Saad ibn Tamim ibn Mar but this is wrong. Because in that case she would become the nephew of Abu Qahafa and did not marry the Arab nephew in the age of ignorance. The lineage from the presence of both your father and mother to the lineage goes back to the seventh generation because your parents were practicing each other. Muhammad bin Saad states that Abu Bakr's mother's name was Laila bin Sakhr bin.

The fulfillment of the promises of the Prophet (PBUH):

1st Caliph Rashid Abu Bakr Siddiq called himself the Caliph of the Messenger of Allah, so he considered it his duty to fulfill every task which was left incomplete because of the Prophet's grace. The Holy Prophet ordered Jaish to depart but he could not depart because of his death. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq was the first to act as a Khilafah leader and ordered Jaish Osama to march to Medina to reach his destination. The Holy Prophet had promised some companions in his life, but had not yet fulfilled the promises that your blessings had been blessed. In the century, wealth came from Bahrain when Abu Bakr Siddiq announced that if the Messenger of Allah (swt) promised him anything or came out of the Holy Prophet, he would come to me. Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari attended the announcement:
Hazrat Mohammed promised me that when wealth comes from this place, I will fill you with three hands three times. "

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