Nooruddin Zangi History & Biography - Nooruddin Zangi By Umair Ahmad

Nooruddin Zangi History & Biography - Nooruddin Zangi By Umair Ahmad

Nooruddin Zangi:

Nooruddin Abu-ul-Qasim Mahmood Ibn Emad-ud-Zingi was the son of Emad-ud-din Zangi, the founder of the Zangi Empire, who made a great name in history. Nooruddin was born in February 1118 and ruled for 28 years from 1146 to 1174.

Victories and Achievements:

Nooruddin Zangi History & Biography - Nooruddin Zangi By Umair AhmadHe tried to establish a strong government before the Christians to withdraw from Jerusalem, and to achieve this goal, eliminated the small Muslim governments around and added them to his kingdom. In the beginning, the capital of Nooruddin was Aleppo. In 549 AH, he captured Damascus and declared it the capital. It invaded the Crusader state of Antioch and captured several forts, and later thwarted Christians' attempts to end Muslim occupation of the state of Edessa. Attempts to occupy Damascus during the Second Crusade also failed, with the help of Saifuddin Ghazi and Moinuddin, and paved the way for the expulsion of Christians from Jerusalem.
With the victory of the Second Crusade, Muslims succeeded in overthrowing Jerusalem in the Third Crusade. The Fatimid regime was established in Egypt at that time, but now it was weakened, and since Egypt was annexed to Palestine, Christians wanted to capture it. Seeing this, Nooruddin sent an army and also occupied Egypt in 564 and abolished the Fatimid government.

Nooruddin Zangi dreamed about Hazrat Mohammad:

This event is present in almost all the books of the history of Madinah. Shaykh Muhammad Abdul Haq Mohaddah Dahlavi (may Allaah have mercy on him) mentioned in his book "History Madina" three major conspiracies, of which this event is most famous.

Event Presentation is -

According to the sahudi, the Christians compiled the plot in 557 AH. At that time the king of Syria was named Sultan Nooruddin Zangi and his adviser was Jamaluddin Isfahani. One night after the prayer, Sultan Noor-ud-din Zangi dreamed that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was pointing to two men of red color and saying to the Sultan, "Save me from their evil." The Sultan hurried away. He performed 'wudoo' and then he saw his eye. Why are you sitting here after dreaming? Don't mention it to anyone anymore and leave for Medina immediately. "The next day, the Sultan left for Medina with twenty special men and many gifts, and arrived there on the evening of the sixteenth day. The Sultan attended the Holy Prophet and sat down in the Mosque of the Prophet. I reached the place where the Sultan would distribute gifts among them. People came and the Sultan continued to give gifts to each and every visitor. During this time he kept looking at each person, but he did not see two faces which he saw three in a night. The bar was shown in a dream. The Sultan asked the audience. "Has every citizen of Medina met me?" The answer was in the affirmation. The Sultan asked again. Do you believe that every citizen has met me? "This time the audience said." Except for two men. "The secret was almost revealed ............. Sultan asked." Who are they and why not come to take their gift? "It is said that they are two devout people bound by the peace of Morocco. Day and night the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sends his greetings and goes to the mosque every week. He is generous and hospitable. He does not take anybody's leave. The Sultan said, "Subhan Allah!" They should also be called immediately to receive their gifts. When they received this special message they said, "Praise God! We have everything God has given us and we do not need any gifts or gifts. "When the answer was sent to the Sultan, he ordered that both of them be presented immediately. The order was promptly complied with. A glimpse was enough to identify them, but the Sultan controlled his anger and asked." Who are ...? Why come here? "He said," We are from Morocco. He came for Hajj and now wants to live in the shadow of the Prophet. "Sultan said sternly." Have you sworn to lie? "Now he is silent. Sultan asked the audience. Where are they staying?" It was reported that in a house near the Prophet's house, with a wall to the southwest of the mosque. The Sultan got up and took them with him and entered the house. The Sultan walked around the house. Suddenly, his eyes were on a mat lying on the floor in a house full of new and valuables. It was to be seen that the air of both Moroccans flew. The Sultan raised the mat. There was a freshly dug tunnel beneath it. The Sultan roared. "Don't you even tell the truth ???" They had no choice but to be truthful. They confessed that they were Christians, and their rulers sent them from Morocco to Hajj in the form of pilgrims, giving them a lot of wealth and equipment that they would somehow be the messenger of the Prophet. Bring the Quds to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). In order to complete this unholy plan, he made an excuse for Hajj, and after that he started his malicious work by taking the closest house that could be rented to the Holy Prophet. Every night, they would dig tunnels that were on the path to Mubarak, and every morning, they would take Paradise aloft and fill it with leather bags and spread it on the graves. He said that his unholy expedition was in the very last stages, that one night a thunderstorm shone with torrential rains as the earthquake struck, and now that his work was about to be completed, how did the Sultan not go to Medina? ۔ The Sultan used to listen to them and cry and cry, "My destiny !!! that this slave was chosen for this service from all over the world" Sultan Nooruddin Zangi ordered that both of them be killed. Go and dig a trench around Mubarak and smash it with molten lead so that no one can think of such an unfortunate move in the future. The above event is 558 AH (1142 AD). The Sultan erected an altar near Rosa Mubarak so that he would be kept at his guard to protect the grave. The dome is still there and is on the right as soon as Bob enters Gabriel. Some visitors consider it a place of safety, although the companion was inside the mosque Nabvi while Chubutra was outside the mosque's premises at that time. Walk north from Aisha's residence to determine the location companions. Near the fifth pillar (ie opposite the direction of the Qibla) is the companion group. Or that it was the opposite of the old Bob Gabriel. Remember that there are no pavements at this time. For some, this is a fabricated story, which is weak and unproven because Jamaluddin Al-Asnawi did not narrate any credible testimony from any contemporary of Noor-ud-din al-Shaheed to a credible and discrediting tradition. It is diminished...


After the occupation of Egypt, Nooruddin began preparations to invade Jerusalem. In order to keep the mosque of Bethlehem in the age, he built a tower of minarets. He wished that he would keep this chamber in his hands after the conquest of Jerusalem, but God did not approve it. Nooruddin was just preparing for the attack when Zhangi was poisoned by Hashishin, causing inflammation in his throat which led to his death. He died on 15 May 1174. Nooruddin was 58 years old at the time of his death.
the role
Nooruddin was like his father in bravery. Once upon a time, he saw him repeatedly in the enemy's ranks, and one of his companions, Qutb-ud-din, said: "O our king! Do not put yourself to the test if you are killed, then the enemy will conquer this country and the state of the Muslims will be destroyed. ” When Nur-ud-din heard this, he was very angry and said: "Qutbuddin! Stop speaking, you are defaming God. Who was the guardian of this religion and country before me? " Nooruddin himself obeys the Shariah and bound his comrades. On seeing them, others imitated, which led to the public's passion for practicing Islam and people were also embarrassed by the mention of unlawful acts.

Public works and welfare work:

Nooruddin was not only a conqueror but also a benevolent ruler and wise king. It laid the trap of madrassas and hospitals in the empire. His tales of justice have long been known. He lived a very personal life, never spent money on Bethlehem. He had bought a few shops out of the wealth of which he used to pay his rent. He did not build large palaces for himself, but spent the money on Bait-ul-Maal in the construction of madrassas, clinics, and lodging and other public works. In Damascus, he established a magnificent healer that had no precedent in the world. Patients were also given medicine free of charge and food and living expenses were also paid by the government. Nooruddin had withheld all illegal taxes. He hears and investigates the complaints of the victims themselves. Owing to the virtues and achievements of Noor-ud-din, Ibn Athir, a historian of the time, wrote: "I studied the history of all the kings from the rulers of the Islamic period up to that time, but Khalifah Rashidin and Omar bin Abdul I have never seen anything better than Nur-ud-din except Al-Aziz. "


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