Ibn-e-Sina Biography - History--Bo Ali Ibn-e-Sina (Avicenna)

Ibn-e-Sina Biography - History--Bo Ali Ibn-e-Sina (Avicenna)


Ibn-e-Sina Biography - History--Bo Ali Ibn-e-Sina (Avicenna)Bo Ali Sena's full name is Ali al-Hussein ibn Abdullah ibn Hussein ibn Ali ibn Sina (980 - 1037 AD), a prominent physician and philosopher of the world. Ibn Sina or Abina Sina was a learned scholar of Persia who is considered among the most important thinkers and writers of the golden age of Islam during the time of Aaron al-Rashid. Abu Selina is known in the West as Avicenna. His title is "Al-Shaykh al-Raees". Was one of the greatest thinkers of Islam and one of the most famous philosophers and practitioners of the East. He is thought to have authored 450 books, out of which around 240 survived, of which there were 150 on philosophy and 40 on medicine. His most famous books include "Book Healing, a Philosophical and Scientific Encyclopedia and the" Medical Laws of a Medical Encyclopedia. "Many of these items were available in medieval universities until 1650 as a standard medical book. In 1973, Ibn Sina's book "Medical Laws" was reprinted in New York. In addition to philosophy and medicine, Ibn Sina also studied astronomy, chemistry, geography and geology, psychology, Islamic theology, logic, mathematics, physics. Ibn Sina is also called the sun of the medical world.


Bo Ali Sina initial conditions:

Zero 370 AH was born in 980 in a small village in Persia, in 980, his mother belonged to this village, while his father came from Balkh (present-day Afghanistan). In early childhood, his parents moved to Bukhara (present-day Uzbekistan), where his father was entrusted with some financial affairs of Sultan Noah bin Mansour Al-Samani. Bukhara completed the Quran at the age of ten and excelled in the pursuit of jurisprudence, literature, philosophy and medical sciences and achieved excellence in them.

Living conditions:

Sultan Bukhara Noah ibn Mansoor became ill. A regimen's medicine was not proven to be effective. At the age of eighteen, he treated Sultan Noah ibn Mansour for a disease which had caused him to be paralyzed. Sultan recovered from the medicine of an inferior and renowned physician like Ibn Sina. So the Sultan gladly opened a library for them as a reward. He lived in Bukhara until he was twenty years old, and then moved to Khwarizm, where he stayed for some ten years (392 AH-402 AH). Became attached to the court, as if he had spent the rest of his life traveling.

Last day:

He died in Shaman 427 AH in Hamdan in 1037 AD. It is said that in the last days of his life he had succumbed to cholera, and when he saw his near death, he bathed and repented, gave his wealth and freed the slaves.

Release of academic services and highlights:

Bo Ali's memory was very sharp. Soon Sultan Noah Bin Mansoor checked the library and collected all the information. At the age of twenty-one, he wrote the first book. According to a tradition, Bo Ali Sina wrote twenty-one large and twenty-four small books. Some think he wrote ninety books.
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