Alexander The Great Biography - Alexander The Great History

Alexander The Great Biography - Alexander The Great History

Alexander the Great:

Alexander The Great Biography - Alexander The Great HistoryAlexander ruled Macedonia from 350 to 10 June 323 BC. He found a teacher like Aristotle. At an early age, he conquered the cities of Greece with Egypt and Persia. He also conquered many other kingdoms, after which his rule extended from Greece to the borders of India. At the age of twenty-two he set out to conquer the world. It was his father's dream and he had prepared for it, but his enemies killed him. Now it was Alexander's responsibility to fulfill his father's mission in some way. 

Early life:

Alexander was twenty years old at the time of his father's death. But he was fortunate enough to have received the rule of Macedonia without difficulty. Otherwise, the rule of the time was that as soon as the king died, battles for the throne would begin and everyone who participated in the battle would have even a slight chance of reaching the throne. Alexander was the only son of his father, and at that time there was no other specific claimant to the Macedonian rule. But as a precaution, Alexander killed all those who could harm him in any way. He even murdered his suckling step sister at the instigation of his mother.

Aristotle and Alexander:

Another fortune of Alexander was that he had found a teacher like Aristotle who is considered to be the most capable and intelligent man of his time. In addition, his father "Philips" paid special attention to his son's physical training and sent him to an atmosphere far away from the royal palace so that he would not be slowed down by a life of luxury. Here Alexander also learned physical exercises and specialized in horseback riding, spelling and swordplay. At the same time, Aristotle continued his mental training.

Alexander Started His Victory:

Alexander The Great Biography - Alexander The Great HistoryIn the early days of Alexander's rule, Alexander sought to unite with other neighboring countries, including "Athens" The reason for this was that not only did he want to strengthen his army before embarking on his expedition, but he was worried that no one in his absence would invade Macedonia. Two years have passed. In the meantime, he conquered some areas with the force of a sword and joined it without any competition. After some degree of dissatisfaction with the north and the west, Alexander looked to the east and saw a vast empire of Iran. The empire spanning millions of miles from the Mediterranean to India. There were rivers, mountains too. There were deserts and lakes. So here was everything that was needed to make any area happy. That was the reason why the Iranian Empire, if not the whole, would have had half the world status. There were people of almost every color and race. One of the main reasons for the invasion of the Iranian Empire was that Darius the Iranian Emperor had also started secretly assisting Alexander's opponents. In fact, the Iranian army had a large number of Greeks who had been against their neighboring country Macedonia from the very beginning. Darius had taken this step to provoke them. In 334 BC Alexander withdrew from Macedonia with 35,000 troops. The army consisted of thirty thousand riders and five thousand foot soldiers. Alexander's infantry was the most famous "mob". It was a squadron of 256 soldiers. That is, there were sixteen soldiers in each row, and the number was sixteen. The spears in their hands were also 16.16 feet tall. Thus, when the soldiers of the first five rows were moving their spears forward, their knuckles would move beyond the first row. On the east side of the river "Granny Kos", Alexander encountered a small Iranian army. The army consisted of twenty thousand riders and twenty thousand foot soldiers. The pedestrians were mostly of Greek descent. The command of the army was near the people of Darius. Among them was his son-in-law "Sephoravatis".Upon the discovery of Alexander's army, the first thing the Iranians did was occupy the slopes of the river to prevent the advance of the enemy army. But Alexander did not panic. He knew that a soldier in his army was with him wholeheartedly. He ordered them to cross the river, regardless of the enemy's arrows. Once they reach the other side, then they will not be difficult to overcome the enemy. Alexander was well aware that where Asians are experts in horseback riding, they are particularly vulnerable to foot combat. Plus, its soldiers have better weapons than the Iranians. They were covered in cloth from head to toe, and their spears were light and long. The "group" of Alexander's army was in the middle while the right and left were mounted. He was leading the riders on the right. At first, he moved slowly but approaching the river, he accelerated. Not long after, his army crossed the river and stood opposite the enemy. The war of attrition had begun. At first, the height of the Iranians was heavy due to the altitude, but the dispersion soon changed. When the Macedonian army saw its own soldier entangled in the enemy's ranks, his courage was stopped and he began to inflict heavy blows on the Iranians. Alexander dressed in a shiny robe and the head of the Macedonian kalgi decorated with a splendor, and went straight to the place where the Iranian soldier was assembled. They fought so bravely that the bodies of Iranian soldier fell on their own. The strength of Alexander's arms can be gauged from the fact that his spears were broken into several pieces while fighting. Then he took the lead of his cousin (horseman) and broke it while fighting. Then one of his soldiers, "Demaratos," lent his spear in his hand, and with the same spear, he finished Darius' son-in-law, Sephoravatis. Just as the war had suddenly begun. Likewise, it suddenly ended. Several Iranian generals fled the field. One thousand horsemen were killed, the rest of them also understood the benefits of running away. The Iranian soldier's sense of humor was that he forgot to use the thousands of infantrymen who were of Greek descent and were recruited into the Iranian army. They stood quietly on one side throughout the war period, and finally the Macedonians arrested two thousand of them, killing the rest. The Macedonians, on the other hand, had very little loss. Sixty riders and 30 pedestrians were killed. However, there were those who could be called special men of Alexander. After the conquest of Granny Kos, Alexander encountered a large Iranian army at the site of "Assos" (the city of Syria). The army was led by himself and consisted of about one hundred soldiers. But instead of giving up even here, Alexander adopted a superior war strategy and soon overthrew the enemy. Once again several Iranian generals fled the field. Darius didn't even care that his mother and wife had children in his tent. The Iranians suffered heavy losses in this war, while the Macedonians suffered very little loss. Alexander captured a large number of the enemy. But Darius' wife treated the children very well.

The conquest of Egypt:

Now Alexander's next target was Egypt, but there were some areas in his path that were ready to face him. The first of these was the city of Tire. When the Tirers found out that Alexander was moving towards them, they were locked in their fort. Tire was an island, with water on all four sides. Seeing this, Alexander immediately ordered a huge fleet to be built and the fortress was later demolished. Within a few days, this important city was also conquered.

Anxiety in the Army:

There have been many changes in the situation following these successes. Alexander's army was no longer what it was at the time of his departure from Macedonia. His strength had increased tremendously. It occupied a very large part of the Iranian Empire, and the people there also accepted it. Those Greek soldiers who were fighting for the Iranian army on wages now joined Alexander and Alexander paid for them the same money he received from Emperor Iran.In addition to all these things, Alexander's nature changed a lot. His sense of self-worth had grown to such an extent that he began to consider himself a descendant of the Greek "god Zeus" and could not hear anything against himself. This is why when his close friend "Lucky Toes" refused to accept him as a god, in a rage, Alexander killed his spear in his stomach and killed him. During the siege of Tire, Alexander received a message from Darius in which he wrote that he should leave his wife and children. Instead, he will be given half an Iranian kingdom. Hearing this message, a special person from Alexander said "Parme New" that if I had been Alexander, he would have accepted the offer. Alexander was very upset over this. He said:"If Alexander had been" Parme New, "he would have done the same."He dismisses Darius' offer and sends a message that if there is any other offer, Dara himself should come and speak. After Tire, "Gaza" turned the city. After his conquest, Alexander entered Egypt, and, as expected, the ruler surrendered to Alexander without any military action. After staying here for some time, he crossed the Nile to the sea and camped at a suitable place and established a new city. Alexandria is the name of the ancient city and is still considered one of the most important cities in Egypt. In 331 BC, Alexander again advanced east. He first crossed the famous river Euphrates in Iraq and was confronted by Emperor Iran's great army at the "Guga Mela" near the ancient city of Nineveh (Nineveh is the city where Hazrat Younes was born). Some historians believe that the army of Darius had at least a million foot soldiers, forty thousand riders, two hundred sword chariots (a type of bullock cart), fifteen elephants and countless Greek soldiers in the battle of Guga Mela. Darius had chosen the location for the fight, thinking too big. He knew that chariots could not walk in the low places. So he made the earth perfectly smooth for them at a certain place. Alexander did not panic when he saw an army twenty times larger than himself, but his mind immediately envisaged a glorious battle plan. At first he called his generals and spoke so enthusiastically that everyone's courage stopped. He then started waiting instead of taking the lead in the attack. In the meantime he gave his soldiers full rest so that they would be completely refreshed and disciplined until the war began. On the contrary, the Iranian soldier had exhausted his soldiers by continually taking on the work of oranges. Darius set up his army in such a way that he was in the middle and, on the left and right behind, was one of his most trusted men. Meanwhile, Alexander the Alexander, the Macedonian soldier, knew that the right-wing contingent of any army was of paramount importance during the war. That is why he assigned his leadership to his most brave and trusted general, "Parme New," and also assigned an extra line of troops to the right, so that he could be effectively defended in the event of a sudden attack. When the war began, both sides were convinced of their victory. Alexander not only had a good mind but also had good weapons. He had already conquered the Iranians. These things were his confidence. Dari, on the other hand, was hoping for victory because of the numbers. The battle started from Darius and he sent his chariots first. He was convinced that they would stir up the enemy army. But when he saw that the Macedonian soldiers were defending themselves with great skill, he ordered the infantry to strike. That was his biggest mistake and Alexander was expecting it. The infantry are used when the battle is in the end stages and the enemy has to do the final blow. What was then, as soon as the infantry moved in, the order of the Iranian army was completely abolished and their ranks vacated. Seeing this, Alexander ordered the attack on his spearmen and the Macedonians. The highlight of the attack was that it was led by Alexander himself. This time, like the "Granny Kos" motif, Alexander first targeted the major generals of the Iranian army, and their bodies began to be cut down online. When Darius saw one man falling after another, he was afraid and fled the field. That was also the end of this war. After that, although the Iranian army groups resisted a little, it was on an individual level, and that is why the Macedonian army could not shave its hair. When Alexander saw that his soldiers had hit the field, he went out in pursuit of Darius to complete his task at once, instead of repeated motives. But he did not come into his hands. It is said that some Iranian generals later assassinated him together. The incident occurred in Tehran, the current Iranian capital. When Alexander arrived, he found Dara's body alone. Then he sent him back to Mustafar (the capital of the Iranian Empire) and ordered him to be buried with all royal honors.

Alexander in India and Pakistan:
Alexander The Great Biography - Alexander The Great History

After Iran's conquest, many people advised Alexander that he had won many victories, now he was on his way back, but he was on the verge of conquering the world. He said he would not go back until he conquered India.This is a matter of 327 BC. When he started advancing to India. At that time his army consisted of one hundred and twenty thousand infantry and fifteen thousand riders. Arriving in Kabul, he divided his army into two parts. One section was sent directly to the Indus River and the other was headed north by Sikandar itself. Here he conquered a fort known to have been conquered by King Rome of Rome. The two armies joined at Nessa near Koh-moor and crossed the Indus River at Attock. He was then confronted by the Indian king Porus near the Jhelum River. Alexander knew that he could not compete with Porus in the same way as he had against Darius. That is, he could not attack from the front. He had heard stories of the bravery of King Porus. Then he made a war move. He led a general in front of the Poros, and with the rest of the army marched to another location. From this, Porus thinks that there are only a handful of soldiers in the Macedonian army who are in front of him, but taking advantage of his ignorance, Alexander would have attacked from one side. The fighting started. Porus did not know Alexander's presence until he had crossed the river. Then he immediately dispatched a contingent under his son's command to Alexander. But Alexander had done two hands to the chiefs and generals, what could this young man do to him? The result of this fight was that Porus' son was killed and now the field in front of Alexander was completely cleared. It was at this time that the army of Porus invaded. Unlike the Iranians, Porus fought very bravely. His army consisted of 180 elephants. They were more at risk to the Macedonian army. Because horses are confused by seeing elephants and do not even obey their master. Alexander cured this trouble as soon as the elephants attacked he divided his riders into two rows - one to the left and the other to the right. The riders pushed the elephants into a narrow canyon. The elephants came here duck and became trouble for their own army. Twenty thousand men and a hundred elephants were killed in this procession, but despite all this, Porus did not give up and continued fighting. He did not give up until his body was completely healed of wounds. Porus was arrested and presented to Alexander the same day. Alexander's habit was that anyone who came into the enemy would have been given the opportunity to say something in his defense. He asked Porus:

"Tell me, how are you supposed to be treated?"

Poros replied: "That is what one king does to another king."

Alexander was already impressed with Porus' bravery in the battlefield, and now his conversation did not affect him any less. And he didn't like bragging to death. He forgave Porus and returned all his territory. In response, the king also became his friend.

Alexander had a keen interest to go inside India and see its wonders. It was his passion and curiosity that forced him to come here. Otherwise, the occupation of the Iranian Empire was less that he would have tempted. However, when he intended to go ahead with Jhelum, his army did not support him on this occasion. The truth is that the hard work of the past several years has made them very tired, and they are no longer daring to undertake further campaigns. Earlier, the countries and states they occupied were easily defeated, but they experienced the valor of Indian forces in the battlefield of Jhelum, which filled their hearts with fear.

Victory Multan:

Sikandar orders his army to move forward Greed for wealth promising to occupy fertile lands So this nation fought hard, during this campaign, an arrow was thrown at Alexander's waist, which was stuck in the backbone. Despite the efforts of the rulers, the arrow did not come out. Could keep. However, a few days later Multan was conquered. The Greek army here took revenge on the king for his injuries, leaving no one alive in the city. My friend Multan is an ancient city. Multan was inhabited by two branches of the Indus River, at that time the name of the river Indus was named and the people of the mill were traded with Harappa and Mohenjodaro.

Second Army Refuses to Advance:

After Fateh Multan, Alexander's army refused to proceed. Sikander's speeches were ineffective. He chanted his return. He wanted to live a luxurious life with this wealth. The second major reason was that the spies of Alexander reported that the powerful and warlike tribes of the tribes on the banks of the Beas River were ready for war. Upon hearing this news, Alexander's army was disbanded. The warlords of the KKK were relieved so they thought of returning home. Alexander did exactly what he wanted his soldiers to do, proving with great understanding. In spite of all his desire to conquer India, he obeyed, and from there he decided to return. But something else was written in the fate of this great soldier. If he wanted to, he would enter his hometown of Macedonia decorating the crown of half-world victory over his head, but he was still in "Babylon" so ill that he could not recover and he embraced death.

Alexander the Great Death:

Alexander The Great Biography - Alexander The Great History"Alexander was 33 years old. He was born in 356 BC (ie 356 years before the birth of Jesus) and died in 323 BC. There are several reasons for his death. According to tradition, Alexander married the princess belonging to the family of Darius after the conquest of Iran and gave her the rains, but the princess gave her family the poison. The destruction and destruction and murder did not go unnoticed and poisoned Alexander as soon as he got the chance, which led to his death. "

"According to another tradition, Alexander reached the city of Babylon and celebrated victory. All night the wine went on. It was a severe cold night. Alexander suffered a fever, which later turned into pneumonia, causing Alexander's death."

"The third tradition is that if the dream of conquering the whole world was not fulfilled, then Alexander began drinking frequently, which ruined his health. In the last days his mental balance also deteriorated, often in May. Took the life of

"He conquered almost half the world in his youth. He says that if he had lived a short time and there was no reason he would not have become a conqueror of the whole world."


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