Genghis Khan Biography - Genghis Khan History - Genghis Khan Realty

Genghis Khan Biography - Genghis Khan History - Genghis Khan Realty

Genghis Khan:

Genghis Khan Biography - Genghis Khan History - Genghis Khan RealtyGenghis Khan the Mongol chiefs. Born in the Anan River The real name was Tamujan which means "ironworker".

Early life:

In 1175, at the age of thirteen, his father married him at Borat, since Genghis Khan had been a man of great temperament since the beginning, and therefore, on this occasion, he decided to take the throne.

Genghis Khan's address:

When he became the head of his tribe in 1175, he began to quarrel with other tribes. It tried its best to influence all tribes and constituencies as Mongolia was ruled by several tribes at that time. Then, after reviewing the situation, he assembled all the chiefs and presented a plan to conquer other areas. Following this suggestion he became very popular, and all the other chiefs unanimously recognized him as their chief and unanimously gave him the address of Genghis Khan at a meeting near the river Anan.

Mongol Empire:

Genghis Khan formally introduced the Mongol Empire as a strong empire, with the restructuring of the Mongol Empire's military as well as other institutions on a solid basis. The principles he set for the organization of the army continued to serve as a torch path for military specialists for centuries. He defeated China twice and in 181214 became the two Chinese states and occupied Qin.


In 1219 some of his ambassadors, sent to different countries, were killed. This event raised him to a world of excellence and he set out to conquer the world. That same year it conquered many parts of northern China and the Afghan border. Looted the areas of Bukhara and Maru and captured Herat. He then turned to Turkey and the Southeast European countries. Its troops invaded southern Russia and northern India. He died during the third invasion of China in 1227.

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