History of karnal-What was the role of Nadir Shah in the battle of Karnal by Umair Ahmad

History of karnal-What was the role of Nadir Shah in the battle of Karnal by Umair Ahmad

Battle of Karnal (1739):-

History of karnal-What was the role of Nadir Shah in the battle of Karnal by Umair Ahmad
Battle of karnal
The Battle of Karnal (February 24, 1739) took place between the Mughal emperor Abu al-Fath Naseer-ud-Din Roshan Akhtar Muhammad Shah and the Shah of Iran Nadir Shah at Karnal, about 110 km from Delhi. Nadir Shah, with the help of war strategy and modern weapons, defeated Muhammad Shah's large but disorderly army and entered Delhi victoriously. The Mughal Empire suffered heavy losses in this war. The Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah's army is said to be over 100,000, while Nadir Shah had only 55,000 but a highly organized and well-trained army. The Mughal army was defeated in this battle and Muhammad Shah surrendered. Nadir Shah entered Delhi with his army. Meanwhile, due to the looting of Nadir Shah's army and the killing of some soldiers, Nadir Shah ordered a massacre. There were many casualties in this massacre and looting and looting ruined Delhi. After the defeat and looting of the Mughal government, Nadir Shah returned, but Muhammad Shah and his incompetent princes could not manage the government, but the situation worsened. Even the Sikhs and Marhats started raising their heads again. They continued to plunder villages and cities, but lost their military strength after their defeat at the hands of the Mughal ruler Nadir Shah, so they failed miserably to quell the uprisings.

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