America History - About America History Explained By Umair Ahmad

America History - About America History Explained By Umair Ahmad

America History - About America History Explained By Umair AhmadThe United States of America is a country located in North America. It is commonly referred to only in the United States (English: United States; United States), while the word America (English: America; America) is also often referred to from the same country which according to some experts is technically incorrect. ۔The United States is the second-largest (or fourth) largest country in North America. It is located in Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Pacific to the west. The United States is a federal constitutional state and its capital is Washington DC. Spread over 37 million square miles, 96 million square kilometers, it is the third largest country in the world with a population of more than 30 million people. The US military has grown in economy, culture and political influence in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. When the Cold War ended after the fall of Russia, the United States emerged as the world's only global power and now the United States is openly intervening around the world.

Name of America:

Common names in the United States include the United States, US, USA, USA, the US of A, the United States and America. The first use of the name America came in 1507 when a German map maker selected the word America to represent the South and North American continents. The Americans were also known as Columbus by reference to Columbus and by the beginning of the twentieth century the capital of the United States was also called Colombia. Its use was later abolished, but the name Colombia is still used politically. Columbus Day is a common holiday in the United States and other countries celebrated in 1492 on Columbus' landing on the US soil. The United States was first used in the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. On November 15, 1777, the Second Continental Conference accepted the Articles of Confederation, which read "The Stile of this Confederacy shall be 'The United States of America." This name was actually suggested by Thomas Paine. For Americans, the word American or American is used, whether from North America or from New America.


America History - About America History Explained By Umair AhmadCommon trees and grasslands are found to the east, gradually turning into plains, conifer forests and rocky mountains to the west and desert to the southwest. In the northeast most of the country lives on the shores of the Great Lakes and the Pacific Ocean. The United States is considered to be the third largest country in the world in terms of total area and it is the third largest after Russia and Canada in terms of individual area. Most of it is connected to the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west, Mexico and the Gulf to Mexico to the south, and Canada to the north. Alaska borders Canada as well, and the Pacific is to the south and the North to the North. Russia lies along the narrow coastline of Bearings Street, the west of Alaska. The state of Hawaii is located in the Pacific in the form of an island strip that runs from continental North America to the southwest.

America Land:

There is a great deal of difference in the American soil, especially in the West. Coastal areas are found on the North Shore, which are wider in the south and narrower in the north. The coastal strip ends north of New Jersey. To the southeast is Florida, a swampy plain. Off the coastal plain lies the area of ​​Pieda Mountain, ending in the Appalachian Mountains, up to 6,000 feet high in North Carolina, Tennessee and New Hampshire. The plains are relatively smooth on the western slopes of the Appalachians, and the Great Lakes and Mississippi Rivers, the fourth largest river in the world, are present. The rivers are barren mountains to the west of the Mississippi River. From the western edge of the Great Plains the range of rocky mountains is suddenly elevated and extends from north to south throughout the United States and its elevation is 14,000 feet (4270 meters) in Colorado. In the past, the Rocky Mountains were famous for their volcanic activity, but today there is only one area that is active in relation to the volcano. This area is in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming Valley and is called Super Volcano. Alaska also has many mountain ranges, including the McKinley Mountains, the tallest mountain in North America. Volcanoes are found throughout Alaska. The Hawaiian Islands are volcanic islands in the Harare area, spanning more than 1,500 miles (2400 km) and include six large and dozens of smaller islands.

America  Weather:

Due to its large and wide area, the United States weathers every region of the world. Most areas are mild, Hawaii and South Florida have temperate climates, poles in Alaska, semi-rain in the Great Plains, Mediterranean countries along the California coast, and dry in the Great Basin. The relatively warm climate of this country has made it an important part of becoming a World Power as most of its agricultural areas are less drought-prone, live in flood-prone areas, and have mostly mild climates where appropriate rainfall is also possible.

America  History:

Until five centuries ago, the entire Eastern world, the continent of Europe, Africa and Asia, was unaware of the existence of the western hemisphere, the United States, Canada, and other countries. When European adventures began in the late fifteenth century, different countries and regions were discovered once more. On October 12, 1492, Columbus arrived in the Bahamas near the east coast of the United States. Located near Florida on the southeast coast of the United States. It was the first step of any European on American soil. Then there was the discovery of different places. In 1524, a French expedition named Giovanni Verra Zano entered New York, moving north from Carolina. In 1579 Frances Drake entered the Gulf of San Francisco on the west coast and founded a British colony. In 1607 Captain John Smith landed on the Virginia coast with 105 soldiers on three ships and established the first British colony called James Town. In 1624 the Welsh colonies were established in the areas of Albany and New York under the name "New Netherlands".

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