Egypt pyramids Explanation by Umair Ahmad

Egypt pyramids Explanation by Umair Ahmad

Egypt catches everyone who tries to investigate a little in its history, a culture that developed in a harsh environment and managed to create an incredibly advanced society, both in medicine, art, sculpture, engineering and especially architecture. There is so much to talk about Egypt, that today we are going to focus on its funerary architecture, the Pyramids of Egypt. We will know, what they were for, who ordered them to be built, how they were built, etc.
Egypt pyramids Explanation by Umair Ahmad


You cannot understand the pyramids, without knowing their beliefs, since both are related. The Egyptians believed in life after death, for which all their lives were dedicated to prepare for the arrival of that moment. The book of the dead is a proof of this, a guide on how the body and soul should be prepared for that momentous moment.


After death, the spirit or Ka, it was divided into two, the Ba or soul and the Akh or spirit. Of the two parties, the Ba accompanied the deceased in his grave, could move as he pleased, while the Akh, was sent directly to the underworld of Osiris, who would be responsible for judging the spirit of the dead. To know what life Anubis had lived, he deposited the deceased's heart on one side of a scale, at the other end, Ma’at (goddess of truth and justice), deposited the pen of truth.If the balance was not kept in balance, the deceased would suffer eternally an infinite number of punishments, but if on the contrary the balance was balanced, it meant that he was worthy of living in the great kingdom, along with other good souls and with the gods at peace. and harmony, eternally.


This is where the need to create a lasting, eternal construction is born, since the soul of the deceased will live forever. He will also need everything he had in this world, since the belief of the ancient Egyptians was that the deceased could lead a life in the great kingdom just as he could lead when they were alive. Reason why, in the burials furniture, jewelry, accessories, food and entertainment or games were introduced.


During this period only the Pharaoh was the only one who had the possibility of a life beyond. That is why its constructions are so colossal. In later times, the entire town could live an eternal life if its heart passed the test of the balance, which made many graves bloom, but obviously the difference in construction, size and content, nothing had to do.

Egypt pyramids Explanation by Umair Ahmad

To build the house that is going to be the home of a Pharaoh, a lot of time and resources had to be invested, so when a pharaoh came to power, the construction of what will be his eternal house was immediately started.


In the beginning it was thought that these constructions were executed by slaves, but the latest research, has asserted that for the construction of the pyramids, wage-earning peasants were hired, when their work in the field had been completed, they moved to the cities to Work in large constructions. These farmers received a payment that was made up of salt, wheat and barley.

The Lost City of Giza, City of the Builders:

Peasants arrived from every corner of Egypt, while their fields remained in rest period, they found in the cities, a way to survive when the field did not produce, over time, they even became professional, creating cities so that these workers they could live having the necessary services for the performance of their functions. Cities equipped with medical services to meet the needs of workers.The organization of what we call peonadas today was very efficient, creating groups of four workers under the command of a foreman, who would be in charge of telling them what work to do and how to do it, in addition to controlling their workers, sometimes scattered, especially that time was not wasted in working hours. The first architect known to him was Imhootip, was responsible for the design of the first stepped pyramid and the oldest, located in Sakkara, was commissioned by Pharaoh, approximately in the year 2750 B.C. Many archaeological remains support the construction of at least 100, some have endured better in time than others, although most of them with serious structural failures, since the only way to progress in the calculations was through the correction of the faults detected.

A complex and safe building was needed, if a fear of the Egyptians was the judgment of the spirit, another fear they had was the looting or destruction of the corpse, since if this happened the Ba, he would not have a home to return to and so much Akh, like Ba, would experience the dead again, but this time it would be more traumatic.

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