Top 3 Quran Predictions Which is Complete in Life Of Prophet PBUH

Top 3 Quran Predictions Which is Complete in Life Of Prophet PBUH

Top 3 Quran Predictions Which is Complete in Life Of Prophet PBUHAllah Almighty has also said that if a claim is made with a person, it will not be fulfilled with false prophecy. Quran Karim has sent twenty advance stories with the Word of Allah - and this is indeed his greatest threat, which is denied even the greatest enemy of Islam. Important news is provided for example.

  • The conquest of eating Rome:

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) visited Makkah after Ba'ath, and from eastern Mecca he said that the event of the day of greatness was the event of two great powers of the world at that time. And between Iran. The war was waged. In this war, the Iranian army is constantly coming to Rome.
Rome's food is crowded everywhere, and Iranian armies are in large cities in the evenings, with stormy speeds. The Roman government is facing homeless failures, three consecutive defeats and one loss of life. Naturally, it was difficult to set foot in any place. It could not be an attack, but it made Iran a fiery fan whose advice and Rome were capable of being accepted because of the book. Makes sense And the dominance of the Iranians was the omen of their victory and acceptance defeat. In these cases after the opening verses of Surah Rome:
Al-Ghulam al-Raum (feasting on the day after death), after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Romans 5: 1)
"" الم. The Rome logo will be almost invisible to the earth (in Jordan), and it will come into existence within a few years after that invasion. Before and after working in the hands of Allah, he will be happy that Allah will help him and He is the Most Merciful. And they promise not Allah, but most of them do not know.
Those who are concerned about the war situation in Rome and Iran, and it was revealed that this meant that the prominent leader (Abi ibn Khalif) was in a situation of the condition of Abu Bakr, who had dominated Rome for three years. ۔ If you talk about ten camels, you will draw me to ten camels. At that time the terms of this condition were valid, for which Abu Bakr's words could not be accepted and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) received his notice. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has spoken in the Sunnah (sometimes a few years), and the application of the word (sometimes) in Arabic has told the writers for nine years that you are growing older than Abi-i-Bin Halaf Yes. The terms of the terms of the nine-year terms of the nine-year term that Abu Bakr had raised from nine years to Abu Bakr had no effect of scorpion at the time of this prediction. Then the Iranian army is moving, even to the shops of Rome that have reached the walls of the capital Constantinople - historian Edward Gibbons commenting on this prophecy!
At this time, even when it is not known about the prophetic offer, it is not known that every twelve early twelve years the anniversary of the Roman Empire was announced (aborted by the fall of the Roman Empire 5 p. 73 and 74).
But his first defeat was exactly the case after Rome failed to leave Constantinople, and his troops were defeated at several points in the Kamel-e-Khalim place on the Iranian side, and then the Roman legions everywhere.
During this period, accepting oneself was a Madinah crop from a large number of emigrants and the war with the disbelieving Mecca began. And when there was a Muslim of one hundred armed Suram villages in the field of Badr, it was reported that the Iranians had been defeated at a Rome shop. Was left with the news وَيَوْمَئِذٍ يَفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ (4) بِنَصْرِ اللَّهِ (On that day the help of a Muslim will be happy)
This apology indicated double happiness. One conquered the shops of Rome and the other his own in the field of revenge.
  •  Victory News of Mecca:

At the time, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came out of Makkah with the intention of emigrating with the oppression of Makkah. And after three days' stay in Ghorsoor, he reached Jahfa on the way to Madina Tayyibah. From there he saw a road going to Mecca, and naturally he remembered the homeland and regretted leaving it directly. On this occasion this verse of the Quran was revealed!
َّنَّ الَّذِي فَرَضَ عَلَيْكَ الْقُرْآنَ لَرَادُّكَ إِلَىٰ مَعَادٍ (Indeed, the person who obliged the Qur'an) to return to Salem will return to him.
In view of the unconcerned departure of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) at Makkah at that time, there was no expectation that this prophecy would be fulfilled, but within a few years he was the conqueror of the city of Mecca. Entered into this mission and this prophecy is being fulfilled!

  • Tentative Death of the Jews:

In the time of the Holy Prophet, the Jews used to say that the success of the Hereafter is only for the destiny of the Jews and we will surely go to Paradise.
Say Indeed, Kant LCM Dār alakrة kalsة Fear God from public ftmnua death Doon Indeed كntm truthful (94) ytmnuه villain ever bma qdmt أydyهm balzalmyn Allah, Alim (95)
Say: "If (Allah's) favor is only for you in the Hereafter, not for other people, then seek death; if you are truthful, they will never wish death because of their deeds." And Allah knows best the wrongdoers. "
This challenge and prediction is being made in an environment in Medina Tayyabah where the settlements of the Jewish settlements are settled and Muslims continue to agree with them day and night. If this challenge had not been revealed through revelation, the Jews would not have been willing to give up any chance of denying you. They could very easily show Ali's wish for death. And so the scenes that were going on late at night could have been decided in a moment, but after the revelation of this verse, the Jews were swallowed by a snake. And not a single person has gone ahead to meet this challenge.

Top 3 Quran Predictions Which is Complete in Life Of Prophet PBUHRegardless of the nature of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the view of non-Muslims may not be denied, but none of your enemies has denied that you raise your intellect in a wise and wise manner. Now it is not even expected of a man of modest understanding that he can pass a challenge or a prophecy without his full confidence that his opponents can break in a moment. This challenge would not have been possible without the guidance of the Divine Prophet, such as a wise man and a member of the Holy Prophet.

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