Moenjo-Daro History - Mohenjo Daro Real Story By Umair Ahmad

Moenjo-Daro History - Mohenjo Daro Real Story By Umair Ahmad:

Moenjo-Daro History - Mohenjo Daro Real Story By Umair Ahmad:Moenjo-daro (Sindhi: Mohenjo-daro and generally Mohenjo-daro in Urdu; Mohenjo-daro) was a center of ancient civilization in the Indus Valley. It is located 20 km from Larkana and 80 km southwest of Sukkur. The valley is 686 miles from Harappa province Punjab, another important center of civilization of the Indus Valley. It existed 2600 BC and ended in 1700 BC for unknown reasons. However, experts believe that changes in the direction of the Indus River, floods, external invaders or earthquakes may be the main causes. It is considered to be a contemporary of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and the Intercontinental. In 1980, UNESCO declared it a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Moenjo-Daro History - Mohenjo Daro Real Story By Umair Ahmad:

Discovery of great civilization:

It is located in 1921 that Rai Bahadur Diya Ram Sahni found some artifacts of ancient civilization at Harappa. A year later, similar artifacts became available to Das Banerjee in the Mohenjodaro headland. This was reported to the Indian Department of Archeology. Sir John Marshall, director general of the archaeological department, expressed interest and paid attention to the two sites. As a result, excavation work started under Rai Bahadur Diya Ram Sohani, Director Ernest McKay and other departmental directors. However, the excavation could not be completed. The exposition and interpretation of the Indus civilization is perhaps the greatest contemporary event of the twentieth century. Because the breadth and meaning of this civilization could not be understood before the excavation of Mohenjodaro in 1922. The ruins of Mohenjodaro are located nine miles away from Larkana. Mohenjodaro's general plan was similar to that of Harappa. To the west of the city is the fort. The streets and houses of the city are all like Harappa. However, the unique and most striking thing here is the large dining room. Large bathroom, large bathroom or great bath. It's a big building. In the middle of which is a big pond. The pond is 39 feet north-south and 23 feet wide and eight feet deep. Both north and south used to come in brick studs from two directions. On which the wooden planks were affixed. The exterior of the four walls of the pond has also been labeled "Bachuman". Luck is a naturally occurring substance of hydrocarbons and is available in nature under various conditions, which was also present. Of these, the source of water supply has been discussed. Similarly, Mohanjodar was located on a dry land within the Indus River, on one side was the Indus and the other was the stream of the Indus (known as Nara). It had to go back and get it back into the river, which is why a mile-long protective dam was built to protect the city. There is evidence of catastrophic floods. The floodwaters caused the city to rise 30 feet above the ground, when we see a magnificent city like Mohanjadu, whose houses are strong and strong, two or three storeys high. There are roads, bazaars, the lives and customs of their inhabitants are known to be in the mold. These strange figures in the deepest depths suggest the greatest development, namely when here. When the city first became a civilization, the civilization had reached its peak and it continued to decline.

Castle and city:

In Mohenjodaro, the fort had a unique and distinguished status within the original city, around which the streets are spread in a net, and in this network of streets there is a clear space between the fort and the city and the fort in the block of buildings. Is. There may be a wide and deep trench around the fort. In which the water is released or river water is brought in, or naturally a branch of the river surrounds it in the form of an island. The fort of Mohenjodaro is situated on a hill which is twenty feet high above the ground in the south and forty feet to the north. Nowadays, a branch of the Indus flows three miles from it. While the town was inhabited, a stream of river passed through the eastern wall of the fort. The west side was a security stop. There was a river about a mile away. The fort is located on a platform. The pavement was made of clay and raw brick. From which time the grain houses and asanas belong. Beneath it are several headquarters. But groundwater levels have not yet been excavated due to the wool. However, there are seven levels from the absolute top to the bottom of what has happened. The bottom of the seventh level has not yet been excavated. Between the sixth and seventh levels, twenty feet thick layers of mud and brick are laid. As if the old city was destroyed or flooded by floods, a new city was built by making a pavement twenty feet high over the whole city. In the fortifications of the Mohanjodar fort, some wooden beams have been erected in some places. Which is nine feet tall and five feet wide. But later on, the brick kiln was repaired. This strange use of beehives has also been used in the grain house of Harappa. Subsequent builders abandoned this method. Two towers were erected to the right of a thief's door. Later, the thief's door was closed and a wall was erected here. The thieves' door on both towers was closed by building tall primitive walls on either side of the wall. 100 bits of mud have been found at this location. Some weigh about six ounces, and the remaining twelve ounces, respectively, are a foot and a half sire (a tower south of the fort and a rear gate near it).

Great pond:

Moenjo-Daro History - Mohenjo Daro Real Story By Umair Ahmad:To make the water of the house of Ashnan a brick, brick brick was attached to the armpit clay (gypsum) underneath the floor. The brick brick was placed in the middle of the standing brick. A thick layer of wood was laid on the floor, with solid brick picking on it, the same principle being applied to the walls - the brick wall of the pond in the inner side of the pond - the brick masonry at its rear end. On the west corner there was a beautiful old drainage dam, a slave's circulation around the pond. There are large rooms and one side is recessed. One room has a well, which will drain the water and fill the pond with religious slaves. Eight baths were set up in one direction in the north. Two rows of four bathrooms come face to face. They had solid floors and were 9 1/2 * 6 feet in size. Their walls were very thick and the brick staircase from the inside of the rooms climbed in. The walls are proof that one floor above. And it was as if these bathrooms had living rooms or changing rooms. It may be that the toilet will remain on top and the bathrooms below will be used by them. While the people would bathe in the pond. Archaeologists believe that the bathroom was occupied by religious leaders and was known to be a public sanctuary more than the public.

Grain houses:

To the west of the pond is found a building whose floor was five feet high on the ground floor, and beneath it were erected pavements and paved paths between them. The breeze went through the walls all day long. It was definitely a hot bath. Underneath the floor and inside the surrounding walls, warm air circulated in the grains. In 1950, the entire building of this hot bath was removed and a large grain house came out to dig under it. Its length was 150 feet west of the poorer and 75 feet northwest. The building had 27 sections and the grain was made of air passing under the floor of the house. Wood floors were used in floors and other structures. The grain house belongs to the ancient period of the Ashan house. In the south of the grain house is a large ornament. Which is 22 feet wide. It starts from the ground up to the highest level of the fort. This shrub is a contemporary of a grain house. There is a well near Xena's house. Within this are several wells within a few walls.

Important buildings:

Ashnan is a tall building northeast of the house. Which is 230 * 78 feet. There is also a 33 square foot courtyard in the middle of it. It opens three exports. Rooms are built around barracks all around. The floors of most rooms are of solid brick. It is difficult to think of this building as a royal palace or a large salvage house. Because its structure is not the same as residential housing. That's why the diggers named it College. Until further excavation it was decided what the building was and what its purpose was. Another collective purpose building has been found just south of Ashton Home and College. Which has since been changed. But in the beginning it was a huge square shaped hall. Each square was 90 feet. Inside it is built brick seating. There are five passageways throughout the hall. There are four rows of snacks in between each of the two routes. Each row has five snacks. Either there were beautiful wooden tables on them or the audience was sitting on them. There are 100 snacks in total. One such building has been found in Mohenjodaro. Which is kind of residential but a lot bigger. It is 250 feet long. Surely this is a palace. The outer wall is 1/2 to 3 feet to 7 feet thick, with two large courtyards. Which is joined by a five foot wide slave rotation. It has an 8 foot wide door on one end. There were wells in two different rooms of the house. One room had a round oven. Its diameter is three feet eight inches and the height 1/2 3 feet, its shape is similar to that of the current oven. There were four stairs leading up to the palace. Another public building has been found in the city, which was either a tourist resort or a pilgrimage destination for travelers. The original building consists of a large hall, shaped like the alphabet L in English. Outside the walls of this hall, brick pillars were found nearby, on which the roof of the Export was probably placed. Which surrounded the hall. At the southeast corner, a four-foot-eleven-inch-wide door opened into the street. Later, the door was closed and a wall was cut out in the center of the north side. Near it was built a sewer. The ground dose was adjacent to the supply pipe. A flash system toilet was erected in one corner of the hall. Another large building was found, 87 * 1/2 64 feet. Some of the rooms open in the courtyard which are known to the residents and some open in the street. Their floors are of solid brick and are extremely well built. There is a large outdoor room in which five round conical pit bricks are made. They will be stored in pots or other utensils that are of metal. Either it will be a restaurant or a paint factory. Another collective building has been found which is 52 * 40 feet. Its walls are four feet thick. Its door is from the south. Two parallel stairs climb up. Which are found in the center. The door is too big. Inside this building, a circle of bricks has been erected in the courtyard. The inside diameter is four feet. Archaeologists believe it is a protective layer around a tree. If so, then this tree was sacred and this building was the temple of this sacred tree. Probably the People's Temple. Three pieces of white limestone sculpture were found in various parts of the building. When you add them, the sculpture is complete. This is a sitting man. The full height of the statue is 1/2 16 inches. He has a beard, but the mustache is shaved, the hair is pulled together and the back of the head is folded and a fine ram is tied around the head. Which passes through the forehead. If there is no ram, then there is a fine strip of cloth that has been tied. The man has both hands on his hips. One is high and the other low. Inside the eyes were probably pearls that later fell. The walls of this building are thick, the door is grand but the area is short. This statue may have been kept inside the existing helper yard in the courtyard. The head of the statue is found very close to the round fort. However, nothing can be said. Another building is suspected to be a temple in Mohanjodaro. Its outer walls are 1/2 to four feet thick and eight to ten feet high. Inside it are some brick pavements. These were built on either side of the pillars. On which stood a magnificent building. Or they may have a different purpose. In the middle of the building is the courtyard. Which is 23 * 19 feet in size. Two smaller courtyards are to the north and south of this large courtyard. There is a well in the southern courtyard. One of the most interesting buildings is on the northwest corner of the city. There are small rooms in two rows facing it. Whose number is sixteen. Each of these sixteen rooms has an indoor room behind it. There are a total of 24 rooms. The interior room area is doubled compared to every outdoor room. Each of the sixteen rooms has a water hole in one corner. The wall has drainage holes. Sir Mortimer Wheeler and other experts believe the interior room was a bedroom. It seems these were the barracks of slaves. The temple was previously suspected of a temple, but it is very large. Then it becomes even more certain that these barracks are the slaves' residence. The barracks are very thin. That means it was a destination. They have a well. Some parts of the city were still dug up. Especially the Buddhist stupa stands out. Underneath it may be found some important buildings or more important materials that enhance our knowledge. Nonetheless, the excavation is necessary. Residential houses have also been found inside the fort. In view of the fort, the Ashan Ghar College, and the larger state, it is not difficult to believe that the city was either a religious center or a capital city or both. After the communal bath, there has been a social and religious life for the people of the area. In each city there were few such bubbles. In which people used to bathe as a religious duty. The bowls are called the wells or ponds on which the river flows. The great bathing house of Mohenjodaro also had a spacious baoli in the middle of it. Where there are no artifacts of the population There will probably be a stream of river Indus or a canal built. Then there are the mounds. Beneath which are found signs of construction. Either this was a residential area, and if not, at least large brick bricks were built here to protect the river, and the stairs would go down to the present level of the river.

Residential Houses:

Moenjo-Daro History - Mohenjo Daro Real Story By Umair Ahmad:
The original city of Mohunjodu consisted of rectangular blocks of the same size. Each block was 1200 feet to the north and 800 feet to the north. Inside it, small lanes intersect at a fixed angle. Six such blocks have been excavated so far. If the excavation is completed the entire city may be recovered within a mile. With twelve residential blocks, the fort will be the central block to the west. The large streets are thirty feet wide. Six lanes have been curved from somewhere so that in the case of a storm, the wind in the streets is broken. They are usually five to ten feet wide. The doors of the houses did not open in the high street or in the passageways, but in the closed streets. It was as if the windows had no custom. Somewhere there were windows, so that the hands or feet were removed from it by means of strong nets. Upper class women will be bound to some kind of veil. The house will be enclosed in sheets and corduroy. A house in Mohenjodaro is completely safe. It has a house on the right, inside which is a five-foot-wide side street that opens to a door. There is a small room right in front of the door for the watchman or servant. To the right is another door that opens into a short corridor. To the right of the aisle is a room with a well and a few steps to the courtyard. The courtyard is 33 square feet. The courtyard was previously open, then a roof was added to some of it. Which is a solid floor bathroom. A solid clay pipe passes from the bathroom to the bottom of the next room. Similarly, a similar ground dose pipe has been laid elsewhere. The walls of the house are thick. Which means there will be another destination. Strong brick veneer goes up. If you enter the door on the left instead of entering the courtyard, there is a ship. Which goes to the left. Then turns to the right. Here we enter a room where niches are made. There will probably be idols that are worshiped here. If this assumption is true, then worship is of individual color and collective worship is nowhere to be found. In some homes the rooms are built of brick. Which has a hole in the pot. Which is adjacent to the drainage of the ground by a steep path. This flash system is literal. Due to the muddy path, the water was standing in the pot, but in some houses the flash was straight. A hole was made in the wall for drainage from the house, and out of the city, drainage was carried out through the drainage system.

End Of Mohenjodaro:

The excavation of the Mohenjodaro shows that the city has fallen slowly. Often the city was devastated by floods and each time there were new constructions, their quality was already very low. Small and dirty houses were built on the rubble of large houses. Large grain houses turned into small crater houses and the capital gradually turned into a vast slum population. The cause of this poverty is thought to be the loss of farmland or the gradual disappearance of the irrigation system, or the burning of forests in brick and pot furnaces. Due to which the rains were reduced and the rainfall became dry. But at least three floods have been found in the excavated surfaces of Mohenjodaro. Which completely destroyed the city. Such a catastrophe may have occurred at the bottom. An analysis of the soil that these floods extinguish suggests that the soil is of standing water, not of flowing water. Which means the land at the bottom of the river rises above the geological changes and the city is attacked again. It is determined that frequent floods caused catastrophe and that was a factor. But the final destruction of civilization was not caused by the great storm Noah. Rather, the result of repeated catastrophes was gradual. There is also evidence for attacks and massacres. The bodies were found from six places. In which five people died in one place and one person was found in one place. Here's a description: A public well is located in a room. The alleyway is higher than the street, and the stairs descend into the well's room. Two men are dead on the stairs. One woman and one of them have fallen. Two bodies lie in the street. They were the last people of the city. One body was lying on the floor of the room and the other in the living room. This is proof that the well was still in use and at the same time these people have died. Their structures have not been found in a burial state. Fourteen structures were found in a house, thirteen men, a woman and a child. Some of them wore guns, some wore rings and some wore necklace. These people are indeed killed in the same attack. A man's skull has a length of 1146 mm long. Which is certainly a sword or dagger wound. There are signs of violence on some other skulls. It is clear that these bodies belong to the last destruction of the city. In 1942, Dr. George F. Deals discovered five structures in the Mohenjodaro excavation that had four beds. They met at one corner of the street. Sir Mortimer Wheeler thinks they were probably hidden at the time of the attack. Among them are three men, a woman and a child. His time was also the last of Mohenjodaro. Six structures in one street have found a baby in them. A structure was found in an alley. In one place nine structures were found that were curved. It looks like someone hurried nine bodies into a pit. But they have got two big elephant teeth. This means it was an ivory family. The one who was running away quickly got killed and someone threw them into a pit and dumped them on top. These are the only ones consciously buried. This is also the last time of the city. The condition of the thirty-eight bodies is evidence of the chaos that took place in the city. The fort is free of corpses. Sir Mortimer Wheeler expressed the idea that the Aryans might have attacked and destroyed the city in the second millennium BCE, but in the middle of it, 1500 BCE. When Mohenjodaro suddenly collapsed. Often the city was devastated by floods and each time the quality of new people was already very low. Small and dirty houses were built on the rubble of large houses. The small grain house was built over a large grain house and the gradual capital turned into a vast slum population. Archaeological evidence has provided evidence of the frequent burning of various cities and the subsequent rise of inferior crafts. These inferior craftsmen were the villagers who were on the lowest ladder of society. These were not the people of the conquering nations coming from outside. There were local slaves. That is why if a city or town in Sindh was destroyed, inferior culture would be seen next time. It is only natural for robbers to attack insurgents and trade convoys and to attack farmers in cities. These days, the uprisings greatly weakened the empire. State missionaries everywhere began to suffer defeat. This was the situation when the barbarian tribes of the Aryans entered from the west, and their subsequent attacks blew brick from brick to empire, and it must be believed that the humiliating civilization was destroyed by the Aryans in the 1700s. But the Aryan attack is the last factor.

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