The First City in Asia MaharGarh Balochistan Oldest Civilization By Umair Ahmad

The First City in Asia Mehrgarh Balochistan Oldest Civilization By Umair Ahmad
The First City in Asia MaharGarh Balochistan Oldest Civilization By Umair AhmadMehrgarh is one of the most important modern-day stone sites in the city of Balochistan, Pakistan. According to known history, it is the first region in South Asia where wheat and barley were first cultivated and traces the importance of raising animals.

The First City in Asia:
Mehrgarh was born about seven thousand years ago. The turtle field starts 130 km from Balochistan city, towards Sabari, Makran. The area is spread over an area of ​​about ten thousand square kilometers. In this area a population was founded which today is called "Mahar Garh". The name derives from a nearby village that still lives today. The village was actually the winter residence of the Chief of Sarwan, Nawab Ghausbakhsh Raisani. In 1968, he informed the experts that there was a hill near Mehrgarh, where most ancient items were found. Experts on the discovery of the mound, discovered the ruins of an ancient city.
The First Population:
Nine thousand years ago, a local tribe permanently settled in Mehrgarh on the banks of the Bolan River as the population grew and hunting declined. Gradually, he planted crops and raised livestock in order to extinguish his stomach's fire. Thus the tribe became one of the first human groups to start farming and raising animals on the planet first. This revolutionary process of the history of mankind became known as the Neolithic Revolution. At least in Asia, the center of this international revolution was Mahar Garh. In the beginning the township was covered with a few acres. Gradually other nomadic tribes also settled there, so the area of ​​the settlement began to spread. According to archaeologists, there were between 10,000 and 20,000 people in Mehrgarh seven thousand years ago. This is a huge number at that time because the human population in the entire subcontinent was only two million. That is why Mehrgarh is one of the world's largest cities. In other ancient cities, Qutliyouk (Turkey), Ain Ghazal (Jordan) and Ork (Iraq) are prominent.
Discover what Mehrgarh is:
The artifacts of Mehrgarh were discovered in 1974 by French and Pakistani experts. Since then the area has been periodically excavated so that the historical facts of the city can be discovered. According to research till now, the area of ​​Mehrgarh was spread over an area of ​​500 acres. There, ancient humans settled seven settlements downstairs. However, they were related to each other in all social, cultural, cultural and technological respects.
The First City in Asia MaharGarh Balochistan Oldest Civilization By Umair AhmadThe residents of Mehrgarh used to live in clay houses, store wheat and barley, store grain in storage, and make copper tools. It was they who started to raise cattle and goats. As the city developed the sciences, the seals began to be made of tools and tools developed from dyeing and other metals. Thus the city became a center of innovation, creation and invention, especially in the subcontinent. Six thousand years ago cotton was also grown in the area. The painters began to make utensils. Since the city was located on an important route like Dara Bolan, there were also convoys coming from Afghanistan, Iran and China. It is possible that Mehrgarh became the caretaker of the multi-nationals through this same reconciliation.
Moving to Other Areas Of the Population:
Archaeological evidence shows that Mehrgarh suddenly disappeared four and a half years ago. All the settlers migrated to other settlements in the form of groups. In 1974, due to lack of evidence, they could not find the reason for which the migration took place. This belief was resolved twenty-one years later. World-renowned Experts in Indology in 1995 ... A research book by George Feuerstein, Subhash Kak and David Furley, "In Search of Dark Civilization, A New Look at Ancient India" (The Search of the Cradle of Civilization: New Light on Ancient India). Experts in it revealed that the inhabitants of Mehrgarh reached the modern Pakistani provinces, Punjab and Sindh and laid the foundation of Harappa civilization. (This valley is also called the civilization of the Indus.) They settled in small provinces in the provinces that extended to the present Indian state, Gujarat. These settlements are prominent in Harappa, Mohenjodaro, Gnawiriwala, Rakhi Garhi and Dholavir. Most of the settlements settled on the banks of the Indus or Hakra rivers. Mahar Garhi learned the intricacies of settlement for the hazing year, so they did not face difficulties in settling new settlements. In this regard, they must have got the support of the locals as well. However, experts did not yet know why the seafarers left their homeland. One major reason could be flooding in the Bolan River. When the floods came, their fields, warehouses, and homes were destroyed. I had to rebuild everything. Each year, seals were gradually shifted to the plains to avoid the same natural disaster.
The First City in Asia MaharGarh Balochistan Oldest Civilization By Umair Ahmad

Hindu Mythology:
Researchers of the book 'Another Quest Revealed in Search of the Dark Civilization'. They say that when the Harappan civilization rose, the Mahar Garhis started the "Vedic period", which spanned 1750 BC (500 BC) to 500 BC. It was during this period that the oldest religious books of Hinduism were created. Among them the Vedas (Rig Vedas, Uttara Vedavagaras), Upanishads and Shastras are considered very important to the Hindus. These researchers say that the arrival of Aryans from Central Asia or Iran is merely a mischief. In fact, Hinduism is a combination of ancient traditions and customs which originated in Mehrgarh, Kot Digi, Harappa, Monajadu, etc. over a period of thousands of years. Goya Mehrgarh is considered to be the center and center of Hinduism. I was the largest city and center of civilization and culture in India. The comparison of ancient and modern traditions reveals the same truth. For example, in Mehrgarh, a cow or bull had a very sacred status. Because the seals were used to grow grain with the help of this animal and thus produce the produce of the sacred animal. And in Hindu mythology, cows are still considered the most sacred animals. In the Sanskrit language the cow is called "cow". Assume the importance of this word that hundreds of words originated from it. For example, stars and sunshine were called and the earth became known by this name. The ridiculous speech of the religious leaders of the Vedic period was also called Go. "Go Paul" means Sharif the peasant or ruler of the earth! So for eight to nine thousand years ago, in the vast turtle fields that the ancient indigenous tribes founded (and whose collections are called Mahar Garh), the traditions and rituals born there later became the yeast from which Hinduism emerged. General Chat Chat Lounge

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