Balochistan History - History Of Balochistan Ancient and Islamic History Balochistan

Balochistan History - History Of Balochistan Ancient and Islamic History Balochistan


Balochistan History - History Of Balochistan Ancient and Islamic History BalochistanBalochistan is Pakistan's largest province in terms of area, with an area of ​​347190 sq km, which accounts for 43.6 per cent of Pakistan's total area, while its population was estimated at 65 million 65 thousand 885 people. At present, the province's population is estimated at between 90 million and one crore. Natural resource-rich Balochistan is the most important province in the location, but regrettably, according to a recent U.N. survey, Balochistan is the poorest and poorest region in the world to the north of Afghanistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in the south. The Arabs are located in the east, Sindh and Punjab and Iran in the west. Its 832km border is bordered by Iran and 1120km long with Afghanistan. The 760 km long coastline is also in Balochistan. The area of ​​the Baluchs in Iran, called Iranian Baluchistan and whose capital is Zahidan, is about seventy thousand square miles - the Baloch population is two percent of Iran's total population - in addition to the Zabul region in Afghanistan. A large number of Balochs are inhabited.


History of Balochistan is not explained in one article. I am trying to show my  best about the history of Balochistan.

Ancient history:

Balochistan History - History Of Balochistan Ancient and Islamic History BalochistanArchaeological discoveries have proved that Balochistan also had a population during the Stone Age. The Mahargarh area has traces of a population dating back to 7,000 BC. Prior to Alexander's conquest, Baluchistan was ruled by the Iranian Empire, and according to ancient documents, the area was called 'Maca'. Alexander the Great passed through the desert of Makran when he was about to invade Babylon in Iraq after the Indus campaign in the year 500 CE. At that time, the Brahvi were settled here, which belonged to the oldest inhabitants of India, the Dravars.

Islamic History:

In 654, Abdurrahman bin Samera sent a Muslim army to the Zamraj area (now in southern Afghanistan). After conquering Zamraj, a contingent of Muslim troops was sent to the eastern part of Afghanistan, where they conquered Kabul, Ghazni, etc. And a contingent was sent to Quetta who conquered the area to Kandbel (Joda Bolan). The present Pakistani Balochistan was victorious during the reign of Amir al-Mominin Omar bin Khattab and it was completely under the rule of the Rashid. There was only one town in the whole of Balochistan called Qiqin which was not conquered during the time of Umar ibnKhattab, but this town was also conquered later by Ali ibn Abu Talib. Abdurrahman ibn Samra made Zamraj his provincial capital, and he was governor of these areas from 654 to 656. During the reign of Amir al-mu'minin Ali ibnAbi Talib, a rebellion broke out in the southern parts of Balochistan, but due to civil war, by the Caliphate of 660, Ali ibn Abi Talib did nothing against the rebels in these areas. In 660, Ali ibn Abi Talib sent an army under Haris ibn Murah, conquering Balochistan from the northern areas of Balochistan to the northeastern areas. Then the southern areas of Balochistan were conquered. In 663, during the reign of Caliph Mu'awiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, northeastern Balochistan and the Qalat caliphate fell into the hands of the Umayyads, when Haris bin Marah and a large number of his army were martyred in a war. After some time, the Muslims conquered these areas of Balochistan and in the Abbasid Caliphate, Balochistan remained a regular part of the Muslim Caliphate.

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