Hazrat Ali R.A History - Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib Life By Umair Ahmad

Hazrat Ali R.A History - Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib Life By Umair Ahmad

Hazrat Ali R.A  Life:

Hazrat Ali R.A History - Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib Life By Umair AhmadAbu Hassan Ali ibn Abi Talib Hashmi Qureshi (15 September 601 - 29 January 661 AD) was the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad. After Usman ibn Aufan, the fourth Caliph ruled as Rashid from 656 to 661..Hazrat Ali R.A Born in Abu Talib and Fatima Bint Asad. According to tradition, Ali was born in the sanctuary of the Ka'bah in the holy city of Mecca. Ali was the first of the children to embrace Islam and some authors Accordingly, he was the first Muslim.  In the early days, Ali protected the ProphetMuhammad and participated in almost all wars fought by the early Muslim community. After migrating to Medina, he married Fatima Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet Islam Muhammad PBUH. After the assassination of Caliph Usman ibn Affan, he was chosen by the Companions in 656. One day he was praying in the Kufa mosque, an Kharji called Abdul Rahman bin Maljam attacked him and he was martyred two days later.

Ali is politically and spiritually important to both Shia and Sunnis.  Numerous biographies about Ali, according to the sects, are unpleasant to one another, but they all agree that he is a Parsa Muslim. Sunni consider Ali the fourth and last Caliph Rashid, while the Shiites consider the incident Ghadir Kham as the first Imam after Muhammad. Shiites also believe that Ali and other Shi'a Imams (all from the Ahl al-Bayt) are also true successors of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The same dissent was divided by the Muslim Ummah into the Shia and Sunni sects.  Ali received support from various non-Muslim organizations, such as the United Nations and the World for Human Rights. The organization praised their style of governance and social justice.


https://raoumairahmad.blogspot.com/2019/12/messenger-of-allah-prophet-of-allah.htmlYou did not refuse to do anything for the sake of Islam, including Jihad. It was different for the Prophet (peace be upon him) to write the treatises, to write the letters, and he was also a follower of the Qur'an, in addition to the propagation of Islam by the Prophet (peace be upon him). The Prophet left you, in which the effect of your successful preaching was that the whole of Yemen became Muslim.During the night, he slept on the bed of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings ofAllaah be upon him) without regard for his life. That night is called the Colville albite


Caliphate and Work:

When Surah Al-Bayyat was revealed, Allah appointed Himself to propagate it and you should go and recite the verses of Surah Al-Birith to the polytheists - besides being prepared to perform every service of the Prophet's Messenger - even this. It was seen that the Prophet's shoes were sewn on by his hands, Ali ibn Abi Talib considered him proud.For 25 years after the Prophet Ali bin Abi Talib lived in the house of a narcissist, in 35 AH, the Muslims presented to the Islamic Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib. You denied it at first, but when the Muslim sentiment increased, you agreed with the condition that I would rule exactly according to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet and would not act in any respects. The Muslims accepted this condition and accepted the Caliphate - but could not tolerate your purely religious empire at the time, the Umayyads and many who stood against you in your religious government. There was a risk of losing, you thought it your duty to fight them all and there were bloody battles of Jem, Safin and Nahrwan. In which Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib fought with the same kind of bravery and bravery that had been seen at Badr single and trench wakibar and remembered at the time. Because of these conflicts, you did not have the opportunity to improve as you wanted. Yet in this short period you refreshed the teachings of the simple life of Islam, equality and hard work for good and good deeds. Wearing clothed clothes, sitting on the ground eating food with the poor. The money that came to Bait-ul-Maal was evenly distributed to all the needy, even your brother Aqeel wanted to get some more from other Muslims, but you refused and said that if my personal wealth It could have been better, but it is the property of all Muslims. I do not have the right to give any of my loved ones more than others, so much so that if one ever engaged in calculations during the night at Bait-ul-Ma'am and started talking unnecessarily for an appointment, you sent a lamp. That the lamp of the temple should not be just in my personal business. Your endeavor was that whatever came to Bethlehem would soon reach the rightful. You did not say that you should deposit wealth in Islamic treasures.

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