Caliph Rashid Umar bin Khattab History - Hazrat Umar Life

Caliph Rashid Umar bin Khattab History - Hazrat Umar Life

Umar bin Khattab was the caliph Rashid (born: 586 to 590 in Makkah - died: November 6, 644 in Medina) after Abu Bakr and history is one of the most important figures in Islam. Umar ibn Khattab is one of the ten evangelizers, one of the most respected scholars. After the death of Abu Bakr Siddiq, on 23 August 634 AD, 22 Jamadat al-Sani took the seat of Khilafat on 13 A.H. Umar ibn Khattab is a respected, just and fair ruler, in his court both Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Justice was Equal, the justice of Umar ibn Khattab became very famous and it became one of the reasons for Farooq's other reasons.

Area of Islamic State at the time of Umar bin Khattab:

Caliph Rashid Umar bin Khattab History - Hazrat Umar LifeUmar bin Khattab is the founder of the Hijri division, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, mainland Syria, Iran, Khorasan, eastern Anatolia, southern Armenia and Sujistan joined the Islamic State in his reign and his area was twenty-two million acres. And spread over thirty (22,51,030) square miles. Jerusalem was conquered for the first time under the caliphate of Umar bin Khattab, thus the entire area of ​​the Sassanid Empire and almost a third of the Byzantine Empire fell under the control of the Islamic Empire.  The skill, bravery and military ability of Umar bin Khattab. In less than two years the full monarchy of the Sassanid Empire was overthrown, with the management of its empire and territories, the care of all concessionary needs, and the other affairs that governed the empire with all its splendor and skill. Their argument is arguable.

Relationship With Prophet Muhammad PBUH:

Umer Bin Khatab lineage goes back to the Prophet (PBUH) in the ninth generation. In the ninth generation of the Prophet (PBUH, there are two sons of Ka'b. The Prophet (PBUH) is one of the descendants of Marrah, while the descendants of Omar Adi.
When the Holy Prophet (PBUH invited the people to Islam, Umar strongly opposed the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Umar accepted Islam at the prayer of his Prophet Muhammad PBUH. That is the reason People said him Murad-e-Rasool.

Sahadat Umar bin Khattab:

Abu Lolo Feroz, a slave, attacked on Hazrat Umar with a dagger in the mosque Nabvi in Fajr prayer and attacked three places. Hazrat Umar were unable to recover from these wounds and lost your life. After Hazrat Umar unanimously elected Hazrat Usman Amir al-Mominin.


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