Valentine Day (14 February) History and Point of View Explain by Umair Ahmad

Valentine Day (14 February) History and Point of View Explain by Umair Ahmad

Valentine Day:

Valentine Day (14 February) History and Point of View Explain by Umair AhmadSt. Valentine's Day, also known as Valentine's Day and St. Valentine's Day, is a special World Day in the name of love. Celebrated on a public, small or large scale. On that day, married and unmarried couples express their love for each other by giving flowers and gifts, besides giving flowers to sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, relatives, friends and teachers on this day. Congratulations

The Beginning:

What is Valentine's Day and how did it get started? There are many traditions about this, but they have one thing in common:
  • "Valentine's Day (celebrated on February 14th), a special day for lovers."
  • "It is celebrated as the Lover's Fesitival."

St. Valentine:

Valentine Day (14 February) History and Point of View Explain by Umair AhmadSt. Valentine was a Christian monk. There are also some things about Valentine's Day. Why is it celebrated as a festival of lovers? And what it relates to St. Valentine is the quote from the Book of Knowledge: "Valentine's Day is believed to have originated in the case of a Roman festival of Luper Calia. I happened Ancient Roman men used to wear their girls' sleeves on their sleeves for the festival. Sometimes the couple exchanged gifts. Later, when this festival was celebrated under the name of Valentine, some traditions were retained. It began to be considered an important day for anyone looking for a partner or partner. Dusija, a seventeenth-century promoter, attributed it to the fact that he slept five leaves with his pillow before going to bed on Valentine's Day, thinking that by doing so she would be able to see her future husband. Later, people started giving away Valentine cards instead of gifts. ”Why is this February 14th 'Love Day' attributed to St. Valentine? About this, Muhammad Ata Siddiqui is zealous: "There is no authentic reference to this, but an authentic fiction is found that in the third century AD there was a priest named Valentine who was a nun. Were taken into custody. Since marriage was forbidden to monks and nuns in Christianity. So one day, in honor of his girlfriend, Valentin Tyne told him that she was told in a dream that February 14 is such a day that even if a monk or nun had sex, it would not be considered a sin. The nuns believed in them and both of them did so passionately. In the tradition of church traditions, they became the same thing that usually happens, that is, they were killed. Later, some celebrities started celebrating Valentine's Day with their 'Shaheed Mehbat' status. The church has always condemned the myths and called it sexual orientation. That is why even this year, Christian pastors made harsh statements in condemnation of that day. In Bangkok, a Christian priest took some people and set him on fire at a shop that was selling Valentine's cards. "

Valentine Day (14 February) History and Point of View Explain by Umair AhmadChristine's confession of Valentine:

The ancient Romans held godly love ceremonies because of their pagan beliefs, which began around 1700 years ago, when idolatry was common in the Romans, and the Romans abandoned idolatry to Pope Valentine and converted to Christianity. Was punished for his crime, but when the Romans accepted Christianity, they celebrated Pope Valentine's death day as martyrdom love.

Marrying Valentine's Crime:

Its history is so similar to that of Christian monk Valentinus or Valentine that when the Roman king Claudius found it difficult to prepare an army for war, he found out his reasons. Unable to leave the house and go to war, he banned the wedding, but in violation of the royal decree, Valentine not only organized a secret wedding, but also started marrying more people. When the king found out, he arrested Valentine and hanged him on February 14.

Greek giant garland:

This day, February 14, is considered to be the holy day of the Roman goddess Yuno (who is the queen of the Greek goddesses and the goddess of women and marriage), while February 15 is the holy day of one of their gods, Lysius. According to the belief, Lesius was a wolf who breastfed babies who later became the founders of the city of Rome).

Arguments in favor of celebrating Valentine's Day:

According to the arguments made in favor of celebrating Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day is a day for sharing happiness and love. The opinion of those who celebrate Valentine's Day is:
  • "If a husband presents his wife with love flowers on that day, or if he says a few loving words in front of her husband, what is the matter with him?"

There are three to four arguments in support of Valentine's Day. This is a day of expression of love, why should it be banned? The hatred in human life has become so high, if one day the name of love has been made, what is wrong with it?
Another argument that is commonly made is that Valentine's Day is not just a boy and girl's day of love, because love is not the only color. Flowers can also be given to parents, siblings and friends.
Love does not require a single day, but Valentine's Day is still celebrated all over the world on February 14, the day when people express their love. There are many ways to express love. However, most lovers in Pakistan and India share their love and love with poetry on Valentine's Day.

Islamic point of view:

In Islam, non-men and non-women are forbidden to meet and express one another.

The Christian Perspective:

The church has always condemned the myths and called it sexual orientation. That is why in 2016 also Christian pastors made harsh statements in condemnation of that day. As a link to it, a Christian priest in Bangkok, along with some people, opened a shop selling Valentine's cards.

Events around the world:

In recent years there have been gay and lesbian young men in the US and Europe celebrating this day with excitement. He describes that he witnessed a rally of lesbian women and gentlemen on Valentine's Day in San Francisco. The participants of the procession kept the names of their loved ones on their breasts and on the epithets. There, it is considered a day when men and women wandering in the name of 'love' are drowned in sexual desire.


For the past two to three years in Pakistan, the spirit of celebration of this day has been catching up with the youth, though the atmosphere here is not as favorable as Europe, and the proportion of the population considers it a celebration of the day. Here the concept of Valentine's Day popularized in the late nineties due to exclusive radio and TV broadcasts. In urban areas it is celebrated with enthusiasm. Flower sales increase several hundred times. This is how most recent cards are sold. In 2017, the Islamabad High Court banned Valentine's Day celebrations in public places.


The Hindu extremist organization of India, Bajrang Dal, has warned those celebrating Valentine's Day that they are ready to deal with any situation, with serious consequences. Another extremist organization, the Hindu Mahasabha, has announced that it will forcibly marry couples who are called ordinary ILOs.

Conflicts with Islamic countries and political parties:

In some Islamic countries, campaigns against this ritual are also carried out on this day.

Saudi Arabia:

In 2002 and 2008, Saudi police banned the sale of anything for Valentine's Day. This ban created a black market where Valentine's flowers and other items were found. In 2012, the religious police arrested 140 Muslims celebrating the festival and seized all the flowers sold at the shops. Muslims cannot celebrate this festival in Saudi Arabia while non-Muslim homes can celebrate it.

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