A Great Bloch Warrior Mir Chakar Rind Biography - Mir Chakar Rind History

A Great Bloch Warrior Mir Chakar Rind Biography - Mir Chakar Rind History

Mir Chakar Rind:

A Great Bloch Warrior Mir Chakar Rind Biography - Mir Chakar Rind HistoryNot just a name or a personality, but the culture, history, civilization, economy, morals, bravery and heroism, enthusiasm, dialogue, character, sacrifice, affection, not just a name or a personality. And revenge is the name. Sardar Mir Chakar Rund himself was brave and respected not only the brave friends but also the enemies, and said that Mir Chakar "I love the revenge of the brave men who dare to attack my high castles". Khan became popular in the nation during his emerging youth during the formation of Makran. During the attack on Kalat, he showed the essence of bravery that the people remained unscathed. After the death of Mir Shauk, the ruler of the entire Rund region was his son Mir Chakar and the golden age of the Rwandan history, but the end of this period is so dark and instructive that in the last period of Mir Chakar, not only the Rind but the entire Baloch nation. As it was dispersed that till today could not be reunited, the era of Mir Chakar was the era of prosperity and prosperity of the Baloch and even today, the collective hero of the Baloch nation is Mir Chakar Rund and still takes the name of Mir Chakar with respect and honor. According to Mir Chakar, "the view of a man is tied to his head" and Mirchakar was the tune of his view. He gave his life to Nafi and his cuff, and fought with his own brothers, Lashari, who turned into a thirty-year-old wrestler, and in the same war, many famous raindrops and helpers were bathed in dust and blood. Apart from the two young brothers, Miran, Himal, Jadu, Chenawar, Bhalir, Super, Jind, Bebgar, Peru Shah and hundreds of other brave Balochs, the promise of lying in Baloch's social life besides the Khilafah is considered to be impossible, especially if they are Rind. According to Baloch Ho Chakar Khan Rind, "Speaking the truth is a scourge of Balochs and falsehood is a sign of weakness of faith" in Baloch society. If the caliphate does, there is no respect for them in the society and in their view the person is not alive but dead and there is a saying of the Rwandans that "the dead have no way but their life is taken away from both sides" Baloch. People, especially the Baloch people, never raise their hands on women and children, hospitality and hospitality are an integral part of Baloch society and treat guests as a blessing of God. Sardar Chakar Khan Rand has different traditions of birth, the most credible of them. In 1486, and in the year 1486, Kalat was declared that Sardar Chakar was only 16 years old and occupied all of them in the year 1488 and the same year. Jericho died and Rind and Lashar's thirty-year war began in 1489, which ended in 1519, marched to Mir Chakar Multan in 1520 and settled in Satgarah in 1523 and attacked Delhi with Humayun in 1555. Arrived and conquered Delhi by defeating the successors of Sher Shah Suri and in 1565 the great leader left this world and went to the creator's realm and was buried in Satghar.

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