History of Rajput - Biography of Rajput - Facts about Rajput

History of Rajput - Biography of Rajput - Facts about Rajput


History of Rajput - Biography of Rajput - Facts about RajputRajputs, which mean the sons of kings and they associate their lineage with other Malay personalities. That is why so many ideas have been established about their origin and origin. Aishwarya Prasad says he is an umbrella of the Vedic period. Some say that some of the Siuthan and Hun invaders had settled in Rajputana and had acquired military power by adopting a Brahmin religion along with other goons and cavalry. Mr CV Vaidya says that Chandrapur, the author of the Portuguese Rajasa, was unable to prove the Rajputs to Suraj Bansi and Chandra Bansi, calling them 'Agni Kal' under a new theory. That is, they belong to the family of fire, and Wischt, who lit the sacrificial fire. This gave the Rajputs an inheritance. But now some extremist Hindus refuse to take this poetic trap, and most believe that there is foreign blood in the veins of the Rajput nation. In his famous book 'History of Rajasthan', Todd upheld the same view and called the Rajputs a close relative of the seven tribes of Central Asia. James Todd says that many nations invaded India from ancient times to Mahmud Ghaznavi. They are included in the Chhattis Raj Kali of the Rajputs. Importantly, their deities, their progeny lineage, their ancient names and many similarities are much more similar to the venerable China, the Tatar, the Mughals, the Jats, and the Satias. So it is easy to assume that the Rajputs and the latter nations belong to the same race.

Rajputs in Muslim areas:

In the seventh century, Huang Tsang did not use the word Rajput. Referring to the time of the Arab invasions (8th to eleventh century AD), Buddha Prakash writes that the word katri is seen less and the reform of the Rajput was not common. According to Dr. P. Saran, the word Rajput was not used in the ethnic sense until the tenth century AD. Even the term Thakir, which Muslim historians use a few times in their writings, is about a tribe. The Rai tribe had long existed in Iran. First, Muhammad Bin Qasim gave a jat to Rangi (Rana). Rawat is made up of a root or root or root. This means the king in eastern Iran. It should be noted that the Rajput word appears somewhere before the seventh century. Probably its earliest pronunciation is found on the books of Han Winner Truman. His sons and daughters are referred to as Rajputs. This means that the word was used in the literal sense (the king's descendants), which is equivalent to the Iranian word vas pohor (the king's son). Wis also comes in Sanskrit in the sense of the king and Pohar is the synonym of Sanskrit, but has been used by the king since the seventh century. Thus, when Shankar Acharya came under the influence of the hardcore Brahmins, the word Raja Patra was used. Kalhana called Rajputs in Raj Tarangi clearly foreign, arrogant, brave and loyal. These are not mere myths that no Muslim historian has mentioned Rajputs in the battles of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Makran, Kakan, Afghanistan, Ghazni and Kashmir.

Evolution of Rajputs:

Abu al-Ghazi describes the traditions of the descendants of the Tatars and the Mughal nations. The same traditions have come to life. He says that the name of the heir to the Mughal and Tatar was Pishan and his son's name was Oghuz. The Oghuz had six children. The older son's name was Ken, the sun. The second son's name was Aoi, the moon. The Tatars claim that they belong to the Moon, the Moon. Ayu's son was Jalis. Jules' son was Hugh. Which has led to the generation of Shahan China. Elkhan, who was on the sixth of Iowa, had two sons. One Khan the other Nagis. The Nagas descendants settled the Tatar. Genghis Khan claimed he was of Khan's descent. The Nagas are probably the breed of poachers or snakes. Afghanistan and the Northwest Territories have been associated with India in ancient times and this area was one of the major centers of Hindu civilization in ancient times. In the days of India, it was called Gandhara. Kabul, Gandhar (Kandahar) and Sistan have often been part of India politically. These places were called white Hindus in the Periodic period. The ruins of the area's old buildings and monasteries support it. Especially the artifacts of the prestigious University of Taxila, which had a reputation two thousand years ago. In those days, whatever conqueror invaded India, it was considered to be under umbrellas shortly. Looking at the coins shows that the name of the first ruler is foreign. But the name of the son or grandson is in Sanskrit and his throne or crown was used according to the umbrella ritual. Most tribes of the Rajputs were descendants of Sakhi or Sithi invaders or they were among the white Hunan invaders. This was the time when invaders from outside were entering the Hindu society and Hindus were practicing civilization. Local pundits were trying to take the lead in giving tribes to these attackers. Thus they were trying their best to promote Hindu civilization. So the religions of Vishnu, Shiva, Chandi and Syria etc. spread a lot. This not only brought the Burmese religion to its peak. Instead, Buddhism was severely shocked and forced to say goodbye to the subcontinent. Thus the Rajputs, together with the Brahmins, revived the Hindu religion and destroyed the Buddhas. The Sikhs, Pahlav Yunas, and the Turks, who were famous nations of Central Asia, invaded India and entered Hinduism and called Rajput. Wilson says that the Rajput tribes Rathore, Pawar and Gahlot etc. were already settled here. All four tribes are actually Jat, later known as Rajput. Why did they rule then? On this basis, the term Rajput or Raj Patter, the descendants of kings, came into being. Its origin is from Kalma Vipoh (Shah's son). Wilson recognizes them as aliens. Because they, along with the Saka and other tribes, declared the subcontinent. Rajputs are formally Jat and Gujar who enter the Brahmin religion and those who refuse to accept and accept the terms of the formal Brahmanical system have not been formally admitted to the Hindu religion and they remain the same Jat, Gujar. And so are you. That is why the Jats and Rajputs are common tribal names ۔ In view of their purpose, the devotees organized a sacrificial fire in Koh Abu, Rajasthan, and cleared many new people through this fire. These people were given the name of Rajputra (descendants of the kings) who were already there. Interestingly, Iran, especially in Sistan, was the descendant of the great landowner king. The term of the subcontinent is a translation of the Iranian word for Rajputra. Lawgoods are wrong to say that the initial occupation of the Jatts was replaced by Navard Rajputs on this land. The lawgiver forgot that pawar, tanwar, bhatti, wagon casks etc. are found in both Jats and Rajputs. Instead of the Jats, the Rajputs took the position that the Brahmins instigated the latter. Because the Rajputs came to Hinduism a while ago. The Brahmins gave high places to the Rajputs, wrote tales in praise of them and met them with Ram Arjun (Suraj and Chandra Bansi). Instead, the Rajputs again gave Pur, Vishnu and Agar Hara. It is noteworthy that upon the conquest of the subcontinent, deliberate efforts were made to integrate the Jats into the Brahmanical system. In order to make foreign Sakas a part of Hindu society, the famous 'Varana Stoma' rituals were invented if Wala says payment of those rituals was very easy, which was simply a code of conduct aimed at foreigners. To be part of Hindu society through religious rituals. According to Vincent Smith, some Gundas and Bharats accepted the Brahmin religion after gaining military power, and thus they joined the Rajputs. Thus the Rajputs are colored Jat and Gujar in Burmese color. That is why we only find Jats and Gujjars in Central Sindh, Rajasthan Gujarat, long before the appearance of Rajputs. If a Rajput marries a Jat woman, he will not be a Jat. But if he or his widow remarries, his offspring will become Jat. This is the real point of the problem in a patriarch and Jat only in the second marriage of the widow. The widow's marriage has been in every age. But the Rajputs did not even want to hear about it under the false, immoral and unfair views of the Brahmins. At present, the division of their Jats and Rajputs into Punjab is very confusing. The most important point of the widow's marriage was the disagreement between Jats and Brahmins on the occasion of the sacrifice of Koh Abu. Those who accepted the terms offered by the Brahmins were called Rajputs. On the contrary, those who insisted on marrying the widow were called Rajputs as they entered Hindu religion.

The rise of the Rajputs:

CV Vidya writes in the History of the Middle India that when the spirit of warfare was wiped out among Buddhist dominions, the Rajputs established their rule in different parts of the country.

  • According to the time of the arrival of the Muslims from the seventh century AD till the twelfth century AD, after the death of Harish of Smith, the period of Rajputs can be called.

In Kashmir, the Dugar or Dogra Rajputs are functioning and the people of this nation are also originally from the Jatts and have been included in the Rajputs because of their kingship. At the time of the arrival of the Muslims, all the dynasties from Kabul to Kamrop to Kashmir to Kokin were Rajputs and their Chhattis Raj Kali (royal family) were ruling. Chandra Bray first mentioned this number and Pandit Kalyan has confirmed the number in 'Tarangi Raj'. James Todd's statements suggest that his numbers are far greater than the later names differ. The Maurya family is included in the Chhattis Raj Kali's first historical family in the subcontinent but not because of it, but because of an ancient Mewar family.

Ethnic division of Rajputs:

These foreign nations adopted the Brahmanic religion, so Hindu pundits declared them not only an umbrella and gave them divers and their ethnic affiliation with other Malay personalities. In this way, they are racially direct in five categories. That is, the Rajputs are divided into five classes which are as follows. #Suriya or Suraj Bansi = Their heir is the high Ram Chandra and all the Suraj Bansi tribes meet the 'Loo' and 'Kush' of the raja's descendants. # Chandra or Chandra Bansi = Their inheritance was the Supreme Lord Krishna. The title of Hari Krishna was Yadav, which has an accent magic. Therefore, the Chandra Bansi tribes are also called magic besides Yadav. # Agni Kul or Agni Bansi = According to tradition, the Brahmins created a fire pit on Mount Abu with the help of the gods. # Nag Bansi or Tashkash = In Indian Aryan the puppet is called a snake and it is claimed by the nations that they are of the Nag race. # Jat or Jat = Jat people have ethnic relation with Rajputs. That is why many Jat and Rajput tribes are the same as Parmar Jats and Rajputs too. There were kings in the era, their descendants are now called Rajputs - or Jat and Rajputs are two branches of the same race.

The role of the Rajputs:

Aishwarya Prasad says that the Rajputs had made the war their profession and had neglected the high and honorable duties of the administration. Which had made Ashoki and Harsh non-existent. There is no written evidence that shows the Rajputs' achievements in the realm of administration and government. Throughout their history there has been a long series of tribal wars. That is why they could not withstand the external invaders and they had to retreat and their power began to decline. The tombs and screams caused their ruin. The Quaid of casteism brought about mutual hypocrisy and jealousy. Therefore, their economic strength was weakened. Therefore, his system of government was a feudal institution. They were not politically united. So they were forced to bow down to the outside invaders. CV Vidya writes that the Rajput kings, except Kanoj and Bengal, were not allowed to have a permanent army. Some recruited the army in times of need and some sought their deputies from their landlords. The fact is that the public was not interested in running or maintaining governments. Only the ruling family, along with its tribal brothers, used to rival rivals. Victory was won, defeated and handed over to a country rival. The people did not feel the return of Raj. Since the Kannauj festival and the Rashtri Kot of the Deccan were tribes of war, they did not include the heroic elements in their army. However, the Palas and the Sena kings of Bengal were recruiting some people from Malwa, south Gujarat. Because the number of Rajputs was not enough in Bengal and Bengalis were not considered warring nations at that time. In the rest of the country, the Rajput kings did not have a future army. Rajputs were established in Delhi, Ajmer, Kanauj, Gandhar, Malwa and Gujarat in the northern subcontinent. Although the founder of the state of Delhi and Ajmer was Aning Pal, the Pthulvi Raj received the highest fame. Various Rajput families ruled in Kanauj. Jalandhar and Anand Pal became more famous among the rulers of Gandhara state. Jay Chand Rathore made quite a name. In Malwa, there was the government of the educated family. King Bhuj of this family became very famous. He was a scholar and poet himself. Different families ruled in Gujarat Bandhilkhand and Bengal. Famous kings have also passed in the state of Mewar. The states of Chola, Chiara and Pandya were established in the lower Deccan (southern region).

Royalty of the Rajputs:

The Rajputs, however, initially defended the Muslims successfully and prevented the Muslims from proceeding. And they were sometimes united against the Muslims. Particularly in Jaipal's leadership against Mahmud Ghaznavi, Pathavi against Mohammed Ghauri under the leadership of Raj Chauhan and Rana Singh against Babar. But it was a timely federation that was confined to war only, and after the war, the same hypocrisy, love and war continued between them. Rajputs are remembered even today for their bravery. No such thing has been born in Shujaat and Dulauri in the nations of India. Rajput was a talkative, arrogant expert and high-ranking prince. Used to pretend to save their lives. The Rajputs, through their virtues, ruled the subcontinent for a long time (from the seventh century to the twelfth century CE) and established a civilization. But thanks to these aforementioned evils, their power declined and they had to retreat against the external invaders. The Rajputs were not only a man of war, but also a man of good character and a great host. The hospitality and generosity of the guests were there. Rajput was a fan of art and literature and music. Rajput painting had its own individuality. That is why a painting school came into being. Every king had a song in his court, which was composed of songs of family greatness. They had a good social life. Although they had the tradition of marriage in childhood, the girls of the upper family used to marry when they were young. The Rajpoot women could subdue their purity and zeal. The ritual of sati and essence interpreted this sentiment. When a woman's husband dies, she likes to be on fire with her husband. Thus, after the fear of failure in a war, Rajputs killed their women and went to war on the battlefield. (Anwar Hashmi, History of Pakistan and India. 71) A strange ritual was married. On the contrary, it was necessary that the marriage with which they were married should not have a hierarchy. Rajput Rana, Rao, Rawal, Raja and Rajan, etc., are used in the proper sense, all of these words belong to the ruler. Among the Muslims, the Mughals took advantage of the warlike spirit of the Rajputs and recruited the Rajputs frequently in their army. Most of the Mughal conquests were held by the Rajputs. Jahangir writes about Ajmer, that if needed there could easily be fifty thousand riders and 300,000 foot soldiers.
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