Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Biography - Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud History

Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Biography - Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud History

Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud:

Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Biography - Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud HistoryFaisal bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud was king of Saudi Arabia from 1964 to 1975. He was the great Daity of the Alliance of Ummah and throughout his reign, he worked towards achieving this goal.

Early life:

Born in April 1906, Shah Faisal was his mother's surname. Faisal was a wise and talented man from the beginning. Sultan Ibn Saud had great confidence in him and preferred Faisal over Saud. Faisal started performing important tasks in his youth. He was the one who conquered the Hijaz. In 1920, he was appointed governor of Hijaz. The successful military operation against Yemen in 1934 was under the leadership of Faisal itself. They had reached the port limit in Yemen, and if Ibn Saud had not agreed to the ceasefire, Faisal could easily have conquered the rest of Yemen.

As the covenant of the guardian:

When Saud bin Abdul Aziz became king in 1953, Faisal Wali was declared a pledge. A year later he became the President of the Council of Ministers. During Shah Saud's tenure, he remained the governor and foreign minister of Hijaz, and the administrative, educational, financial and economic reforms in Shah Saud's time and development were largely the result of Prince Faisal's efforts.

As head of state:

Shah Faisal tried to give the government more public and democratic colors after he became king. Set the expenses of the royal family and more money was spent on education and development work. Ministers were taken from the public over the royal family in the ministry.

development work:

During Shah-e-Faisal's eleven-year tenure, development was done so frequently and swiftly that Saudi Arabia joined the ranks of the richest and most advanced countries in the list of the most backward countries in the world. Cities and ports were modernized, airports were built, roads were laid across the country, sanctuaries were expanded and various facilities were provided to pilgrims. The royal palaces were handed over to educational and charitable institutions. New universities and higher education establishments were established in Mecca, Jeddah and Riyadh, industries were developed and the first steelmaking factory was established in 1967. Due to water shortage in Saudi Arabia, agricultural development is very difficult and in the time of Shah Faisal an attempt was made to solve this problem and new underground reservoirs were discovered and the rain water was stopped and the construction of the river was stopped. Done.

Foreign Affairs:

In the foreign field, the achievements of King Faisal's era are just as important as the internal ones. When King Faisal sat on the throne, the Arab world was subjected to extremist nationalism, racism, socialism and other non-Islamic ideologies. These secular and socialist elements of the Arab world viewed Saudi Arabia as an obstacle to their ideology. Saudi Arabia was accused of being reactionary and an agent of the United States even though the accused countries themselves were agents of Russia. In the days of President Jamal Abdul Nasir, like in other Arab countries, Saudi Arabia's internal affairs were interfered with and the government was trying to overthrow. Not only did King Faisal save Saudi Arabia from all these ideologies, but within a few years many Arab countries were forced to change their outlook and behavior. It is a great achievement of Shah Faisal that he made the issue of Palestine, which was considered only the Arab problem, the problem of the Islamic world. Shah Faisal adopted a very wise and moderate policy in foreign affairs. He urged the Arab countries that the well-being of Muslims is not in fighting but in unity. Under this policy, Shah Faisal resolved the differences of several countries and made compromises with his opponents. When President Nasir took the Suez Canal into national ownership and Britain and France invaded Egypt, Faisal, who was then Foreign Minister, endorsed the Egyptian decision despite differences with Egypt and condemned Britain and France. Attempted reconciliation between Morocco and Algeria on the desert issue. Settlement between Yemen and Egypt. Held to resolve disputes over the Euphrates River between Syria and Iraq. Bridges the differences between Iran and its neighboring Arab countries.

Unity islam:

The Alliance was a great founder of Islam Shah Faisal and he was fortunate that he achieved unprecedented success in his life. In 1962, the foundation of the Islamic world was established, the first truly international organization of Muslims. Although this organization was established in the time of Shah Saud, its real spirit was Shah Faisal, who was then Foreign Minister. Then in April 1965, on the occasion of the pilgrimage, Shah Faisal vowed to unite Muslims around the world on the basis of Islam at a gathering of Islamic symbols. He started visiting Islamic countries from November 8 this year to achieve his goal. First went to Iran. He then visited Jordan, Sudan, Pakistan, Turkey, Morocco, Guinea, Mali and Tunisia, respectively. Shah Faisal
In August 1966 he went to Turkey and thus became the first Arab chief to visit Turkey. The visit not only helped Saudi Arabia and Turkey come closer, but also started a new era of friendly relations between the Arabs and the Turks, and they began to heal the wounds inflicted on the Turks by the Arab uprising. Shah Faisal clearly declared in Ankara that the source of our power is Islam. His visit to Tunisia on September 19, 1966 was the last in a series. In the Arab world, their era is known as "Rahul al-Khair", the journey of good. During these visits, Shah Faisal tried to explain the fact that the salvation of Muslims is only related to Islam and their well-being is linked to Islamic unity. They do not share a block whether it is from the East or the West, with capitalism or shared hope. The support of these blocks is based not on sincerity. Sincerity will only be found in the Islamic world. During these visits, Shah Faisal paved the way for Islamic unity after the Arabs defeated Israel in June 1967 and became stronger. When the Arab leaders' conference in Khartoum took place in August 1967, King Faisal embraced Jamal Abdul Nasser and provided massive financial support to Egypt, ignoring all these hostile policies that led to Egypt's defeat in June 1967. To cover the financial losses incurred. Shah Faisal's moderate and tactful policy could not survive without showing its influence, and he was favored in Egypt and the Arab countries. After the arson incident in Aqsa Mosque in August 1969, Arab and Islamic countries became convinced of the authenticity of Shah Faisal's position and all Islamic countries were ready to unite under one organization. For the first time in Rabat (Morocco) from 22 to 25 September 1969, a conference of Muslim leaders was held for the first time in the history of the world whose permanent office was later established in Jeddah. After that date, various Islamic conferences under the Islamic Office (Secretariat) are being held under ban. They prevented Sudan and Somalia from going into extremist clutches and provided all possible assistance to these countries. Saudi Arabia also supported the liberation movement in non-Muslim countries in Africa and provided them with such extensive support that Israel's influence in Africa began to wane and in October 1973, during the Egyptian and Israeli wars, when Arab countries The United States and Western countries, under the leadership of Saudi Arabia, stopped giving oil, while non-Muslim countries in Africa also supported Arabs. Shah Faisal convened global conferences of experts on economics, education and other topics and convened young Muslims to solve the problems of Islamic countries. All of these actions enabled Muslims to better understand each other's problems and to devise a common mechanism for resolving them. The Islamic organization of the Islamic world became an effective organization during his time and was able to propagate Islam to the world with the financial support of Saudi Arabia and help the Muslim minorities. A permanent department of Muslim minorities was also established at Jeddah University.

Relations with Pakistan:

Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud Biography - Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud History
Saudi Arabia has established special relations with Pakistan since its inception. The first treaty of friendship between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia took place in 1951 in the time of Shah Ibn Saud. During the reign of Shah Faisal, these relations flourished. Saudi Arabia is one of the few countries that has openly endorsed Pakistan's position in Kashmir at the state level. Saudi Arabia assisted Pakistan extensively in the Pakistan-India War of September 1965. In April 1966, Shah Faisal visited Pakistan for the first time and on this occasion announced that he would bear all the expenses of the Central Mosque in Islamabad. This mosque is today known worldwide as the Shah Faisal Mosque. In 1967, a military cooperation agreement was signed between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan under which Saudi Arabia was assigned the task of training the evil, naval and air forces. In April 1968, all British airlines and technicians were deported from Saudi Arabia and replaced by the services of Pakistani specialists. During the reign of Shah Faisal, Saudi Arabia provided financial assistance to the floods in 1973 and also donated $ 1 million to build and develop the earthquake victims of Swat in December 1975. Shah Faisal was deeply hurt by East Pakistan's separation from Pakistan in 1971 and he did not recognize Bangladesh even after being recognized by Pakistan. The people of Pakistan still view them with appreciation. Lyallpur, a major city in the Punjab province of Pakistan, was named after Faisalabad, while the main highway in Karachi is named after the Pakistani Air Force camp, which is named after them. In addition, a large population near Jinnah International Airport in Karachi is called Shah Faisal Colony and compared to that, a town in Karachi is named Shah Faisal Town.

Differences between Shah Saud and Shah Faisal:

Shah Faisal was known to Islamists since childhood. The differences between you and Shah Saud arose when you saw that the country's treasury was weakening day by day and the economy was weakening as a result that the Saudi rial fell below the US dollar. Besides, the economy of the country was also weak. Due to the country's dire situation, both brothers fought a hatred in the 1960s. Even when King Saud left the country for treatment, Prince Faisal (now King Faisal) announced a new cabinet. When Shah Saud came to know about this, he said that Faisal is a Wali, what is his status as a new cabinet being created by the king, so I (Shah Saud) order the Saudi army that he Take action against him. In response to this, Shah Faisal said that since I am a guardian, the Saudi National Guard is under me. Similarly, the war of hatred grew so much that the whole royal family intervened. As a result, King Saud was deported and Faisal became the ruler of Saudi Arabia. Shah Saud left for Europe, wandering in Switzerland and elsewhere. Then the Egyptian chief Jamal Abdul Nasser, who was a fierce enemy of the Saudis, called Abdul Sa'ad as King Cairo. And then King Saud spoke to Cairo Radio against Shah Faisal and the Saudis. It turned out that Shah Faisal also seized the Saudi nationality of Shah Saud and took away all his property.


On March 25, 1975, his nephew was shot dead in the royal court. After Shah Faisal, his brother Khalid bin Abdul Aziz sat on the throne.

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