Quran And Modern Science Miracles of Quran Explained and proofed by Science

Quran And Modern Science Miracles of Quran Explained and proofed by Science


Honey: Healing for humankind:

Quran And Modern Science Miracles of Quran Explained and proofed by ScienceHoney bees suck a variety of fruits and flowers and convert them into honey within their own bodies. She deposits this honey in cells made in her hive. Only a few centuries ago, humans have come to know that honey actually originates from the belly of a honey bee, but this fact was explained by the Holy Quran three years ago in the following verses.
Translation: Inside this bee (stomach) comes a colorful syrup that is healing for people.
In addition, we have recently discovered that honey has the healing properties of wound healing and also acts as a gentle anti-inflammatory drug (Mild antiseptic). In World War II, the Houthis also used honey to cover the wounds of their wounded soldiers. Honey is a feature that retains moisture and allows scar tissue to remain scarce. Due to the density of honey, no fungus or germs can grow in the wound. ۔ Sister Carole Christian Nun treated British patients with chest and Alzheimer's (an Alzheimer's) disease by treating diabetes-untreated patients with a substance called Propolis. Honey bees produce this substance and use it to cover their roof cells. If a person is allergic to a plant, honey obtained from the same plant can be given to the person so that he or she can develop an allergic reaction. Honey and tomatoes Also full of vitaminn K and fur ketose (a type of sugar: Fructose). The knowledge that honey has been given in the Qur'an about its composition and specialty has been discovered by man through his experience and observation centuries after the revelation of the Qur'an.

Finger Prints

Translation: Does it feel like we can't assemble its bones? why not? We are able to fix it at the fingertips.
Atheists and infidels object that when a person dies in the soil after his death and his bones are buried, how is it possible that on the Day of Resurrection, a single particle of his body will be reunited with the first (living)? Come back ... And if that happened, how would a person be identified in the daytime? Allah Almighty has given a clear answer to this objection in the above verses, saying that he (Allaah) does not have the power to unite the bones. It also has the ability to bring our fingertips up to its precision again. The question is, why is the Koran referring to the fullness of the fingers when it comes to the individual identity of human beings? After Frances Gold's research, finger prints became the scientific method of identification in the 5th century. We know this today. That no one in the world can have two fingerprints exactly the same. Even though we are no longer twins, this is the reason why drug addicts are being used today to identify criminals around the world. Can anyone tell who was aware of the uniqueness of the symbols six years ago? Surely this knowledgeable person could not be anyone other than Allah.

Pain Receptors:

It was previously believed that emotions and pain, etc., depend only on the brain, but recent discoveries have shown that there are receptors on the skin. Unless there is a cell, the human will not be able to feel the pain. When a doctor examines a wound caused by a burn in a patient, he looks at the needle (at the burn site) to determine the severity of the burn. If the person suffering from the touch feels pain, then the doctor is happy. Because it means that the swinging wound is just outward and that the depressing cells (pain cysts) are safe. On the contrary, if the affected person does not feel pain when touching the needle, it is worrisome because it means the depth of the wound caused by the burn is greater and the receptor of the pain is dead.
In the following verse, the Holy Qur'an mentions the existence of pains in very clear words.
Translation: Those who have rejected Our revelations, We will surely cast them into the fire, and when the skin of their body is swallowed up, We will replace them with other skins so that they may taste good punishment. ۔ God has great power and knows the wisdom of making decisions.
Professor Tigatat Tejasen, head of Chang Mai University's Department of Antony in Thailand, spends a lot of time researching the causes of pain. At first, they did not believe that the Koran would have disclosed this scientific fact 2 years ago. However, when he later confirmed the translation of the aforementioned verse, he was so impressed by the scientific accuracy of the Koran that the subject of the eighth Saudi Medical Conference held in the city of Saudi Arabia, entitled "The Holy Quran and the Sunnah." Scientific signs' he said proudly in the crowd. 
لَا اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اللّٰہُ مُحَمَّدُ الرَّسُوْلُ اللّٰہ۔
Translation: There is no god but Allah, the Messenger of Allah.

Click here for Part 1 and read more Quran And Modern Science Miracles of Quran Explained and proofed by Science

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